Senior Design Project Topics for 2006-2007
Cellular property analyzer for biopsy images
This project involves the design and implementation of a tool that enables to analyze the properties of cells in a biopsy image taken with high magnification. This tool should segment individual cells within a biopsy image and extract mathematical features (such as morphological and textural ones) to quantify the properties of these cells. It should also provide the user to edit the biopsy image. In this project, you will work on the images of prostate biopsies that are diagnosed as normal, cancer, and HGPIN (high grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia -- a precursor of prostate cancer).
A normal tissue A cancerous tissue A tissue with HGPIN
A tool to monitor and manage electric field data
This project involves the design and implementation of a tool to monitor and manage electric field data that are recorded by different probes located in different parts of Turkey. This tool will be used to explore the relations between the changes in electric field data and occurrence of earthquakes. For that, this tool should support
  • Visualization of electric field data recorded by a single probe or multiple probes for a specific time interval,
  • Visualization of electric field data recorded by the selected probes depending on the occurrence time and location of an earthquake,
  • Query of the earthquakes exhibiting specified properties (e.g., earthquake depth, magnitude, etc.), and
  • Visualization of the locations of probes and earthquake occurrences on the map of Turkey.