CS 476 Quizes

  1. Date: Feb. 20, 2001.
    Question: Convert the following NFA w/epsilon-moves to an equivalent NFA.
    ->A 0 {B} 0
     B {D} 0 {C}
    *C 0 {E} 0
     D 0 {B} 0
     E {C} 0 0

    Answer: NFA:
    ->A 0 {B, C}
     B {D} {E}
    *C 0 {E}
     D 0 {B, C}
     E {C} 0

  2. Date: Mar. 15, 2001.
    Question: What are the equivalence classes of RL induced on ={0,1}, where L is defined by the regular expession a(a+b)*b? What is the index of RL?

    Answer: */RL = {C0, C1, C2, C3 }, where
    C0 = e,
    C1 = a(a+b)*b,
    C2 = a(a+b)*a,
    C3 = b(a+b)*.
    The index of RL is 4.

  3. Date: Mar. 22, 2001.
    Question: Design a CFG for the language {anbncmdm}. Show the derivation trees of the string abcd in this grammar.


    S -> AB
    A -> aAb | ab
    B -> cBd | cd
    The derivation tree:
          / \
         A   B
        /\  / \
       a  b c  d

  4. Date: Mar. 27, 2001.
    Question: Convert the following grammar into CNF.
    S -> aBC
    B -> bB | b
    C -> D
    D -> ab

    Answer: After the removal of unit productions:

    S -> aBC
    B -> bB | b
    C -> ab
    D -> ab
    After the removal of useless symbols:
    S -> aBC
    B -> bB | b
    C -> ab
    After replacing terminal with new variables:
    S -> CaBC
    B -> CbB | b
    C -> CaCb
    Ca -> a
    Cb -> b
    Equivalent grammar in CNF:
    S -> CaD
    D -> BC
    B -> CbB | b
    C -> CaCb
    Ca -> a
    Cb -> b

  5. Date: Apr. 10, 2001.
    Question: Give CFG's for the following languages:
    a) La = {ajbjck | j > 0, k > 0}
    b) Lb = {ajbkck | j > 0, k > 0}

    a) Ga: S -> AB, A -> aAb | ab, B -> cB | c
    b) Gb: S -> AB, A -> aA | a, B -> bBc | bc

  6. Date: Apr. 17, 2001.
    Question: Design a Turing Machine to accept 0*1*.

    F = {q2}

  7. Date: May 10, 2001.
    Question: Define the language of the problem "Does DFA M accept the string w?" Is this problem decidable?

    Answer: L= { <M,w> | M accepts w}.
    There is an algorithm to determine if a DFA M accepts the string w. The algorithm halts in |w| steps, with Yes or No answer. Therefore, the language L is recursive, and the problem is decidable.