;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: USER; Base: 10 -*- ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; AUTOCLASS II - Automatic Classification of Data ; ; Authors : Peter Cheeseman - RIACS - Research Institute for Advanced ; Computer Science ; Matthew Self - Sterling Software ; ; John Stutz - RIA - Artificial Intelligence Research Branch ; ; William Taylor - Sterling Software ; ; Address : MS 244-17, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 ; ; Phone : (415) 694-4946 - FTS 464-4946 ; ; Arpanet : taylor%plu@io.arc.nasa.gov ; ; Environment : Common Lisp ; ; Revision History : 11 Jan 88 - original released version - ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; FILE : cha:>taylor>autoclass-x>nograph-ui>globals.lisp ; ; Description : Define global variables for AUTOCLASS II user interface ; ; Environment : Symbolics 3640 - Genera 7.0 - Common Lisp ; ; Author : Will Taylor - Sterling Software ; ; Revision History : 27 Mar 87 - original version - ; 05 Jan 88 - For no graph ui => delete vars associated ; with graphic display ; ;****************************************************************************** ; (defvar *GLOBAL-PARTITION* nil " a partition of 1 class with *base-data* distributed over it - for computing attribute influence values") (defvar *DISPLAY-DATA-CLASS-ASSIGNMENTS* nil "vector of length (# data) with values - class-assigned") (defvar *AUTOCLASS-RUN-DESCRIPTOR-1* "" "autoclass run info: raw data base name, number of data items") (defvar *AUTOCLASS-RUN-DESCRIPTOR-2* "" "autoclass run info: results data base name, total MML") (defvar *INFLUENCE-VALUES* nil "attribute influence values for each class - classes ordered as in *partition*") (defvar *INFLUENCE-VALUE-MAX* 0.0 "max influence value over all classes") (defvar *INFLUENCE-SUMS* nil "sum of attribute influence values over all classes - classes ordered as in *partition*") (defvar *INFLUENCE-SUM-MAX* 0.0 "max influence value sum over all classes") (defvar *CLASS-WT-ORDERING* () "list of sublists of class weight & index value in (part-classes *partition*)") ;;;-------------------------- (defstruct I-DISCRETE (value 0.0) ; attribute influence value (p-p*-list ())) ; ((local0 global0) (local1 global1) ...) - of length = range of discrete (defstruct I-REAL-PT (value 0.0) ; attribute influence value (mean-sigma-list ())) ; ((local-mean global-mean) (local-sigma global-sigma) ; (local-unknown global-unknown) (local-known global-known))