GAGS Installation Guide GAGS (Genetic Algorithms from Granada, Spain) is a library and companion programs written and designed to take the heat out of designing a genetic algorithm. It features a class library for genetic algorithm programming, but, from the user point of view, is a genetic algorithm application generator. Just write the function you want to optimize, and GAGS surrounds it with enough code to have a genetic algorithm up and running, compiles it, and runs it. GAGS is (for the time being) available at ftp://kal-, under the name GAGS-0.91.tar.gz. GAGS needs several unix utilities whose use is widespread, and you should make sure you have them in your path before starting to install it. These utilities are *_g++_ (GAGS is written in c++, so that there's no other way out), or equivalent at&t c++ 3.0-compliant compiler, *_perl_ (used in the application generator; you will not be able to use it if perl is not installed -- thanks, Larry Wall, for it!) and *_gnuplot_ (for interactive graphical presentations). The cshell must also be installed in /bin/csh, since the installation scripts have been written for it. The installation procedure checks this, so that it will probably complain if there is something missing. Installation works more or less like a GNU utility, that is, configure, make, make install, and make demo. 1. Run configure. 2. Edit Makefile, and change installation directories (LIBDIR, INCDIR, BINDIR and MANDIR ) to the ones you will actually install GAGS. Probably you will need to edit only PREFIX, if they all hang from the same base dir. This path must be an _absolute_ path. 3. Run make This script compiles the library, and copies files to their proper places. After running it, you are ready to run the application generator, called, which will be in the $BINDIR directory. If you want to have it handy from then on, include that directory into your path. 4. Run make intall. You'll need to have write permission on the directories in which the files will be installed 5. Test the library on the demo fitness files unix_prompt% make demo This program will ask you about the base directory in which you have installed GAGSlib(the include, bin and lib directories should hang from the same directory), and then run, the application generator. There are 4 demo fitness function files in the ./demos directory, and the corresponding training files. Check the user's manual, which is in docs/ For instance, you can try it on one of these; and one training file, nube (spanish for cloud); it is a more or less gaussian cloud with 40 points centered around 0.02, -0.05, more or less. Both fitness functions try to reach the center by minimizing the total distance to all the points, thus, the chromosome contains only 2 parameters, corresponding to the coordinates of the central point. 6. Print and have a look at the user's manual, _gagsman.ps_ or _gagsman.txt_ 7. Complain loudly if something does not work, or write a bug report to