;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Base:10; Syntax:Common-Lisp; -*- ;************************************************************ ; * ; William M. Spears * ; Navy Center for Applied Research in AI * ; Naval Research Laboratory * ; * ; This software is the property of the Department of the * ; Navy. Permission is hereby granted to copy all or any * ; part of this program for free distribution, however * ; this header is required on all copies. * ; * ; File: myeval.lisp * ;************************************************************ (in-package 'user) (proclaim '(special *c*)) (defun myeval (ind) (let* ((ea (aref *c* ind 10)) (de (aref *c* ind 9)) (ce (aref *c* ind 8)) (cd (aref *c* ind 7)) (be (aref *c* ind 6)) (bd (aref *c* ind 5)) (bc (aref *c* ind 4)) (ad (aref *c* ind 3)) (ac (aref *c* ind 2)) (ab (aref *c* ind 1)) (t00004 (expt (/ (+ ea de (max (expt (/ (+ ce (- 1.0 cd)) 2.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 ce) cd) 2.0) 2)) (max (expt (/ (+ be (- 1.0 bd) (- 1.0 bc)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 be) bd (- 1.0 bc)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 be) (- 1.0 bd) bc) 3.0) 2)) (max (expt (/ (+ ad (- 1.0 ac) (- 1.0 ab)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 ad) ac (- 1.0 ab)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 ad) (- 1.0 ac) ab) 3.0) 2)) (max (expt (/ (+ de (- 1.0 ce) (- 1.0 be)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 de) ce (- 1.0 be)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 de) (- 1.0 ce) be) 3.0) 2)) (max (expt (/ (+ cd (- 1.0 bd) (- 1.0 ad)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 cd) bd (- 1.0 ad)) 3.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 cd) (- 1.0 bd) ad) 3.0) 2)) (max (expt (/ (+ bc (- 1.0 ac)) 2.0) 2) (expt (/ (+ (- 1.0 bc) ac) 2.0) 2)) ab) 9.0) 2))) t00004))