#| ROYALTY-FREE LICENSE FOR GENETIC PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES =========================================================================== As you requested, I am including herewith, FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND INSPECTION ONLY, a copy of my "SIMPLE LISP" software for genetic programming. Please be advised that this software is copyrighted and is the subject of my United States patents 4,935,877 5,136,686, and 5,148,513, foreign counterparts, and other patents pending. IF YOU WISH TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, you may have a royalty-free, non-exclusive license under these proprietary rights, without the right of sublicense, to use (but not to make or sell) the software for academic purposes only and only then if you receive no money or other valuable consideration as a result of its use. Neither the software (or copies thereof) nor this license is transferrable for any reason. This license grants you the right to make copies of the software which are necessary for your use, and your use only, provided each copy incorporates this license. The programs, procedures, and applications presented in this software have been included for their instructional value. The publisher and author offer NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY for any particular purpose or accept any liability with respect to these programs, procedures, and applications. If you wish such a licence under these terms, please indicate so by signing and dating a copy of this notice and returning it to me at John Koza, Box K, Los Altos, California 94023 USA. I would like the above license and hereby agree to the terms set forth above. LICENSEE: NAME (Print) ____________________________ Signature _________________________________ Date _______________ PHYSICAL ADDRESS _______________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _______________________________ COUNTRY _____________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________________ PHONE ___________________________ |# ;;; The following is a pure (CLtL2) Common Lisp implementation ;;; of the Genetic Programming Paradigm. Great care has been ;;; taken to ensure that the code below both works and is identical ;;; to the code shown in the book. The exception to this is the ;;; set of "top-level" forms that are shown in the appendix as ;;; examples, for instance, of calls that would fire off the GPP. ;;; These have not been included in-line in the code so as to ;;; prevent execution of the system during the compile/load ;;; cycle. All of these test expressions haven been included ;;; in one test function, however, which is discussed below. ;;; If you are interested in genetic programming, you may want ;;; to subscribe to the genetic programming mailing list. ;;; The list is called genetic-programming@cs.stanford.edu ;;; To subscribe to it, you should send mail to ;;; genetic-programming-request@cs.stanford.edu ;;; ^^^^^^^^ ;;; clearly giving the address you with to have mail sent to. ;;; The code is split into a number of parts, each delimited ;;; by the comment line: ;;;=================================================== ;;; 1) The first component is the Kernel of the Genetic ;;; Programming implementation. This is the domain-independent ;;; code which can be used to execute a variety of different ;;; problems, three of which are provided. ;;; 2) The second component concerns optimizations for the evaluation ;;; of individuals. These include the function Fast-Eval, which ;;; can be used in your fitness functions to speed things up. ;;; Also shown are the "pseudo-macro"s shown in the book. ;;; The instalation of this form of optimization is not portable ;;; between different Common Lisp implementations. ;;; Source conditionalizations have been provided so that ;;; this code should work without alteration under: ;;; Texas Instruments Common Lisp version 6.1 ;;; Macintosh Common LISP (Allegro/Coral) versions 1.3.2 and 2.0b1 ;;; Lucid Common LISP version 4.0.x, 4.1 ;;; Allegro Common LISP (Franz inc.) version 4.1 ;;; If you are running under anything other than these you ;;; may be able to use one or other of the implementations ;;; (search for #+), but you may have to hack something new ;;; up for yourself. The example of the implementations ;;; provided should make life simpler. ;;; It is worth noting that the performance improvement that ;;; can result from the pseudo-macro mechanism is usually ;;; substantial and can sometimes be tenfold. Thus, if you are ;;; likely to be addressing any problems in which control of ;;; evaluation of arguments is necessary, particularly in problems ;;; that exhibit side-effects as a result of evaluating either ;;; the functions or the terminals in the function/terminal sets ;;; then is is very much worth your while to get this working ;;; on your own particular implementation. ;;; 3) The third component is the domain independent part of the ;;; program editing tool. ;;; 4) Is the definition of a set of rules for simplifying ;;; Boolean sexpressions. ;;; 5) Is the problem-specific code necessary to define and run ;;; the symbolic regression problem for 0.5x**2. ;;; 6) Is the code necessary to implement the Boolean 3-Majority-On ;;; problem ;;; 7) Is the code necessary to implement the Discrete Non-Hamstrung ;;; Squard Car problem. ;;; 8) Is a pair of test functions. Test-GPP will execute all of the ;;; example test sexpressions shown in the book, printing out the tests ;;; as they are performed. Time-Test-GPP runs test-GPP, sending the ;;; output from the tests to a log file, printing out the time taken ;;; at the end. ;;; 9) Commented out at the bottom you will find all of the forms ;;; provided in the book as examples of how to switch on the pseudo ;;; macro and fast-eval optimizations. If you want to use these ;;; you need only compile this section out of the editor or remove ;;; the #| and |# marks and recompile the file. ;;; Notes: When compiling you might get a warning about ;;; there being two definitions for the variable X ;;; and for the functions sort-population-by-fitness and ;;; define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON. ;;; This is intentional, so as to make the code below ;;; mirror the book as accurately as possible. Although ;;; these warnings will not in any way prevent the GPP ;;; from working, you may choose to remove the second ;;; definition of (defvar X) and also whichever of the ;;; definitions of sort-population-by-fitness you do not ;;; want. The default version of sort-population-by-fitness ;;; that you will get (i.e. the second) is the one which is ;;; likely to be most reproducible in behavior across ;;; platforms, but not necessarily the fastest. The first ;;; definition of define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON is ;;; the more common usage for Boolean problems with each ;;; function represented in the function set just once. ;============================================================ ;;; Copyright (c) John Koza, All rights reserved. ;;; U.S. Patent #4,935,877. Other patents pending. ;============================================================ ;;; last modified: ;;; 4 March 1993 to perform tournament selection correctly - EHNO ;;; Kernel (defstruct individual program (standardized-fitness 0) (adjusted-fitness 0) (normalized-fitness 0) (hits 0)) (defvar *number-of-fitness-cases* :unbound "The number of fitness cases") (defvar *max-depth-for-new-individuals* :unbound "The maximum depth for individuals of the initial random generation") (defvar *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover* :unbound "The maximum depth of new individuals created by crossover") (defvar *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction* :unbound "The fraction of the population that will experience fitness proportionate reproduction (with reselection) during each generation") (defvar *crossover-at-any-point-fraction* :unbound "The fraction of the population that will experience crossover at any point in the tree (including terminals) during each generation") (defvar *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* :unbound "The fraction of the population that will experience crossover at a function (internal) point in the tree during each generation.") (defvar *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants* :unbound "The maximum depth of new subtrees created by mutation") (defvar *method-of-selection* :unbound "The method of selecting individuals in the population. Either :fitness-proportionate, :tournament or :fitness-proportionate-with-over-selection.") (defvar *method-of-generation* :unbound "Can be any one of :grow, :full, :ramped-half-and-half") (defvar *seed* :unbound "The seed for the Park-Miller congruential randomizer.") (defvar *best-of-run-individual* :unbound "The best individual found during this run.") (defvar *generation-of-best-of-run-individual* :unbound "The generation at which the best-of-run individual was found.") (defun run-genetic-programming-system (problem-function seed maximum-generations size-of-population &rest seeded-programs) ;; Check validity of some arguments (assert (and (integerp maximum-generations) (not (minusp maximum-generations))) (maximum-generations) "Maximum-generations must be a non-negative ~ integer, not ~S" maximum-generations) (assert (and (integerp size-of-population) (plusp size-of-population)) (size-of-population) "Size-Of-Population must be a positive integer, ~ not ~S" size-of-population) (assert (or (and (symbolp problem-function) (fboundp problem-function)) (functionp problem-function)) (problem-function) "Problem-Function must be a function.") (assert (numberp seed) (seed) "The randomizer seed must be a number") ;; Set the global randomizer seed. (setf *seed* (coerce seed 'double-float)) ;; Initialize best-of-run recording variables (setf *generation-of-best-of-run-individual* 0) (setf *best-of-run-individual* nil) ;; Get the six problem-specific functions needed to ;; specify this problem as returned by a call to ;; problem-function (multiple-value-bind (function-set-creator terminal-set-creator fitness-cases-creator fitness-function parameter-definer termination-predicate) (funcall problem-function) ;; Get the function set and its associated ;; argument map (multiple-value-bind (function-set argument-map) (funcall function-set-creator) ;; Set up the parameters using parameter-definer (funcall parameter-definer) ;; Print out parameters report (describe-parameters-for-run maximum-generations size-of-population) ;; Set up the terminal-set using terminal-set-creator (let ((terminal-set (funcall terminal-set-creator))) ;; Create the population (let ((population (create-population size-of-population function-set argument-map terminal-set seeded-programs))) ;; Define the fitness cases using the ;; fitness-cases-creator function (let ((fitness-cases (funcall fitness-cases-creator)) ;; New-Programs is used in the breeding of the ;; new population. Create it here to reduce ;; consing. (new-programs (make-array size-of-population))) ;; Now run the Genetic Programming Paradigm using ;; the fitness-function and termination-predicate provided (execute-generations population new-programs fitness-cases maximum-generations fitness-function termination-predicate function-set argument-map terminal-set) ;; Finally print out a report (report-on-run) ;; Return the population and fitness cases ;; (for debugging) (values population fitness-cases))))))) (defun report-on-run () "Prints out the best-of-run individual." (let ((*print-pretty* t)) (format t "~5%The best-of-run individual program ~ for this run was found on ~%generation ~D and had a ~ standardized fitness measure ~ of ~D and ~D hit~P. ~%It was:~%~S" *generation-of-best-of-run-individual* (individual-standardized-fitness *best-of-run-individual*) (individual-hits *best-of-run-individual*) (individual-hits *best-of-run-individual*) (individual-program *best-of-run-individual*)))) (defun report-on-generation (generation-number population) "Prints out the best individual at the end of each generation" (let ((best-individual (aref population 0)) (size-of-population (length population)) (sum 0.0) (*print-pretty* t)) ;; Add up all of the standardized fitnesses to get average (dotimes (index size-of-population) (incf sum (individual-standardized-fitness (aref population index)))) (format t "~2%Generation ~D: Average standardized-fitness ~ = ~S. ~%~ The best individual program of the population ~ had a ~%standardized fitness measure of ~D ~ and ~D hit~P. ~%It was: ~%~S" generation-number (/ sum (length population)) (individual-standardized-fitness best-individual) (individual-hits best-individual) (individual-hits best-individual) (individual-program best-individual)))) (defun print-population (population) "Given a population, this prints it out (for debugging) " (let ((*print-pretty* t)) (dotimes (index (length population)) (let ((individual (aref population index))) (format t "~&~D ~S ~S" index (individual-standardized-fitness individual) (individual-program individual)))))) (defun describe-parameters-for-run (maximum-generations size-of-population) "Lists the parameter settings for this run." (format t "~2%Parameters used for this run.~ ~%=============================") (format t "~%Maximum number of Generations:~50T~D" maximum-generations) (format t "~%Size of Population:~50T~D" size-of-population) (format t "~%Maximum depth of new individuals:~50T~D" *max-depth-for-new-individuals*) (format t "~%Maximum depth of new subtrees for mutants:~50T~D" *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants*) (format t "~%Maximum depth of individuals after crossover:~50T~D" *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover*) (format t "~%Fitness-proportionate reproduction fraction:~50T~D" *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction*) (format t "~%Crossover at any point fraction:~50T~D" *crossover-at-any-point-fraction*) (format t "~%Crossover at function points fraction:~50T~D" *crossover-at-function-point-fraction*) (format t "~%Number of fitness cases:~50T~D" *number-of-fitness-cases*) (format t "~%Selection method: ~50T~A" *method-of-selection*) (format t "~%Generation method: ~50T~A" *method-of-generation*) (format t "~%Randomizer seed: ~50T~D" *seed*)) (defvar *generation-0-uniquifier-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal) "Used to guarantee that all generation 0 individuals are unique") (defun create-population (size-of-population function-set argument-map terminal-set seeded-programs) "Creates the population. This is an array of size size-of-population that is initialized to contain individual records. The Program slot of each individual is initialized to a suitable random program except for the first N programs, where N = (length seeded-programs). For these first N individuals the individual is initialized with the respective seeded program. This is very useful in debugging." (let ((population (make-array size-of-population)) (minimum-depth-of-trees 1) (attempts-at-this-individual 0) (full-cycle-p nil)) (do ((individual-index 0)) ((>= individual-index size-of-population)) (when (zerop (mod individual-index (max 1 (- *max-depth-for-new-individuals* minimum-depth-of-trees)))) (setf full-cycle-p (not full-cycle-p))) (let ((new-program (if (< individual-index (length seeded-programs)) ;; Pick a seeded individual (nth individual-index seeded-programs) ;; Create a new random program. (create-individual-program function-set argument-map terminal-set (ecase *method-of-generation* ((:full :grow) *max-depth-for-new-individuals*) (:ramped-half-and-half (+ minimum-depth-of-trees (mod individual-index (- *max-depth-for-new-individuals* minimum-depth-of-trees))))) t (ecase *method-of-generation* (:full t) (:grow nil) (:ramped-half-and-half full-cycle-p)))))) ;; Check if we have already created this program. ;; If not then store it and move on. ;; If we have then try again. (cond ((< individual-index (length seeded-programs)) (setf (aref population individual-index) (make-individual :program new-program)) (incf individual-index)) ((not (gethash new-program *generation-0-uniquifier-table*)) (setf (aref population individual-index) (make-individual :program new-program)) (setf (gethash new-program *generation-0-uniquifier-table*) t) (setf attempts-at-this-individual 0) (incf individual-index)) ((> attempts-at-this-individual 20) ;; Then this depth has probably filled up, so ;; bump the depth counter. (incf minimum-depth-of-trees) ;; Bump the max depth too to keep in line with new minimum. (setf *max-depth-for-new-individuals* (max *max-depth-for-new-individuals* minimum-depth-of-trees))) (:otherwise (incf attempts-at-this-individual))))) ;; Flush out uniquifier table to that no pointers ;; are kept to generation 0 individuals. (clrhash *generation-0-uniquifier-table*) ;; Return the population that we've just created. population)) (defun choose-from-terminal-set (terminal-set) "Chooses a random terminal from the terminal set. If the terminal chosen is the ephemeral :Floating-Point-Random-Constant, then a floating-point single precision random constant is created in the range -5.0->5.0. If :Integer-Random-Constant is chosen then an integer random constant is generated in the range -10 to +10." (let ((choice (nth (random-integer (length terminal-set)) terminal-set))) (case choice (:floating-point-random-constant ;; pick a random number in the range -5.0 ---> +5.0. ;; Coerce it to be single precision floating-point. ;; Double precision is more expensive ;; A similar clause to this could be used to coerce it ;; to double prevision if you really need ;; double precision. ;; This is also the place to modify if you need a range ;; other than -5.0 ---> +5.0. (coerce (- (random-floating-point-number 10.0) 5.0) 'single-float)) (:integer-random-constant ;; pick a random integer in the range -10 ---> +10. (- (random-integer 21) 10)) (otherwise choice)))) (defun create-individual-program (function-set argument-map terminal-set allowable-depth top-node-p full-p) "Creates a program recursively using the specified functions and terminals. Argument map is used to determine how many arguments each function in the function set is supposed to have if it is selected. Allowable depth is the remaining depth of the tree we can create, when we hit zero we will only select terminals. Top-node-p is true only when we are being called as the top node in the tree. This allows us to make sure that we always put a function at the top of the tree. Full-p indicates whether this individual is to be maximally bushy or not." (cond ((<= allowable-depth 0) ;; We've reached maxdepth, so just pack a terminal. (choose-from-terminal-set terminal-set)) ((or full-p top-node-p) ;; We are the top node or are a full tree, ;; so pick only a function. (let ((choice (random-integer (length function-set)))) (let ((function (nth choice function-set)) (number-of-arguments (nth choice argument-map))) (cons function (create-arguments-for-function number-of-arguments function-set argument-map terminal-set (- allowable-depth 1) full-p))))) (:otherwise ;; choose one from the bag of functions and terminals. (let ((choice (random-integer (+ (length terminal-set) (length function-set))))) (if (< choice (length function-set)) ;; We chose a function, so pick it out and go ;; on creating the tree down from here. (let ((function (nth choice function-set)) (number-of-arguments (nth choice argument-map))) (cons function (create-arguments-for-function number-of-arguments function-set argument-map terminal-set (- allowable-depth 1) full-p))) ;; We chose an atom, so pick it out. (choose-from-terminal-set terminal-set)))))) (defun create-arguments-for-function (number-of-arguments function-set argument-map terminal-set allowable-depth full-p) "Creates the argument list for a node in the tree. Number-Of-Arguments is the number of arguments still remaining to be created. Each argument is created in the normal way using Create-Individual-Program." (if (= number-of-arguments 0) nil (cons (create-individual-program function-set argument-map terminal-set allowable-depth nil full-p) (create-arguments-for-function (- number-of-arguments 1) function-set argument-map terminal-set allowable-depth full-p)))) (defun execute-generations (population new-programs fitness-cases maximum-generations fitness-function termination-predicate function-set argument-map terminal-set) "Loops until the user's termination predicate says to stop." (do ((current-generation 0 (+ 1 current-generation))) ;; loop incrementing current generation until ;; termination-predicate succeeds. ((let ((best-of-generation (aref population 0))) (funcall termination-predicate current-generation maximum-generations (individual-standardized-fitness best-of-generation) (individual-hits best-of-generation)))) (when (> current-generation 0) ;; Breed the new population to use on this generation ;; (except gen 0, of course). (breed-new-population population new-programs function-set argument-map terminal-set)) ;; Clean out the fitness measures. (zeroize-fitness-measures-of-population population) ;; Measure the fitness of each individual. Fitness values ;; are stored in the individuals themselves. (evaluate-fitness-of-population population fitness-cases fitness-function) ;; Normalize fitness in preparation for crossover, etc. (normalize-fitness-of-population population) ;; Sort the population so that the roulette wheel is easy. (sort-population-by-fitness population) ;; Keep track of best-of-run individual (let ((best-of-generation (aref population 0))) (when (or (not *best-of-run-individual*) (> (individual-standardized-fitness *best-of-run-individual*) (individual-standardized-fitness best-of-generation))) (setf *best-of-run-individual* (copy-individual best-of-generation)) (setf *generation-of-best-of-run-individual* current-generation))) ;; Print out the results for this generation. (report-on-generation current-generation population))) (defun zeroize-fitness-measures-of-population (population) "Clean out the statistics in each individual in the population. This is not strictly necessary, but it helps to avoid confusion that might be caused if, for some reason, we land in the debugger and there are fitness values associated with the individual records that actually matched the program that used to occupy this individual record." (dotimes (individual-index (length population)) (let ((individual (aref population individual-index))) (setf (individual-standardized-fitness individual) 0.0) (setf (individual-adjusted-fitness individual) 0.0) (setf (individual-normalized-fitness individual) 0.0) (setf (individual-hits individual) 0)))) (defun evaluate-fitness-of-population (population fitness-cases fitness-function) "Loops over the individuals in the population evaluating and recording the fitness and hits." (dotimes (individual-index (length population)) (let ((individual (aref population individual-index))) (multiple-value-bind (standardized-fitness hits) (funcall fitness-function (individual-program individual) fitness-cases) ;; Record fitness and hits for this individual. (setf (individual-standardized-fitness individual) standardized-fitness) (setf (individual-hits individual) hits))))) (defun normalize-fitness-of-population (population) "Computes the normalized and adjusted fitness of each individual in the population." (let ((sum-of-adjusted-fitnesses 0.0)) (dotimes (individual-index (length population)) (let ((individual (aref population individual-index))) ;; Set the adjusted fitness. (setf (individual-adjusted-fitness individual) (/ 1.0 (+ 1.0 (individual-standardized-fitness individual)))) ;; Add up the adjusted fitnesses so that we can ;; normalize them. (incf sum-of-adjusted-fitnesses (individual-adjusted-fitness individual)))) ;; Loop through population normalizing the adjusted fitness. (dotimes (individual-index (length population)) (let ((individual (aref population individual-index))) (setf (individual-normalized-fitness individual) (/ (individual-adjusted-fitness individual) sum-of-adjusted-fitnesses)))))) (defun sort-population-by-fitness (population) "Sorts the population according to normalized fitness. The population array is destructively modified." (sort population #'> :key #'individual-normalized-fitness)) (defun sort-population-by-fitness (population &optional (low 0) (high (length population))) "Uses a trivial quicksort to sort the population destructively into descending order of normalized fitness." (unless (>= (+ low 1) high) (let ((pivot (individual-normalized-fitness (aref population low))) (index1 (+ low 1)) (index2 (- high 1))) (loop (do () ((or (>= index1 high) (<= (individual-normalized-fitness (aref population index1)) pivot))) (incf index1)) (do () ((or (>= low index2) (>= (individual-normalized-fitness (aref population index2)) pivot))) (decf index2)) (when (>= index1 index2) (return nil)) (rotatef (aref population index1) (aref population index2)) (decf index2)) (rotatef (aref population low) (aref population (- index1 1))) (sort-population-by-fitness population low index1) (sort-population-by-fitness population index1 high))) population) (defun breed-new-population (population new-programs function-set argument-map terminal-set) "Controls the actual breeding of the new population. Loops through the population executing each operation (e.g., crossover, fitness-proportionate reproduction, mutation) until it has reached the specified fraction. The new programs that are created are stashed in new-programs until we have exhausted the population, then we copy the new individuals into the old ones, thus avoiding consing a new bunch of individuals." (let ((population-size (length population))) (do ((index 0) (fraction 0 (/ index population-size))) ((>= index population-size)) (let ((individual-1 (find-individual population))) (cond ((and (< index (- population-size 1)) (< fraction (+ *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* *crossover-at-any-point-fraction*))) (multiple-value-bind (new-male new-female) (funcall (if (< fraction *crossover-at-function-point-fraction*) 'crossover-at-function-points 'crossover-at-any-points) individual-1 (find-individual population)) (setf (aref new-programs index) new-male) (setf (aref new-programs (+ 1 index)) new-female)) (incf index 2)) ((< fraction (+ *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction* *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* *crossover-at-any-point-fraction*)) (setf (aref new-programs index) individual-1) (incf index 1)) (:otherwise (setf (aref new-programs index) (mutate individual-1 function-set argument-map terminal-set)) (incf index 1))))) (dotimes (index population-size) (setf (individual-program (aref population index)) (aref new-programs index))))) (defun find-individual (population) "Finds an individual in the population according to the defined selection method." (ecase *method-of-selection* (:tournament (find-individual-using-tournament-selection population)) (:fitness-proportionate-with-over-selection (find-fitness-proportionate-individual (random-floating-point-number-with-over-selection population) population)) (:fitness-proportionate (find-fitness-proportionate-individual (random-floating-point-number 1.0) population)))) (defun random-floating-point-number-with-over-selection (population) "Picks a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 biased using the over-selection method." (let ((pop-size (length population))) (when (< pop-size 1000) (error "A population size of ~D is too small ~ for over-selection." pop-size)) (let ((boundary (/ 320.0 pop-size))) ;; The boundary between the over and under selected parts. (if (< (random-floating-point-number 1.0) 0.8) ;; 80% are in the over-selected part (random-floating-point-number boundary) (+ boundary (random-floating-point-number (- 1.0 boundary))))))) (defparameter *tournament-size* 7) (defun pick-k-random-individual-indices (k max) (let ((numbers nil)) (loop for number = (random-integer max) unless (member number numbers :test #'eql) do (push number numbers) until (= (length numbers) k)) numbers)) (defun find-individual-using-tournament-selection (population) "Picks *tournament-size* individuals from the population at random and returns the best one." (let ((numbers (pick-k-random-individual-indices *tournament-size* (length population)))) (loop with best = (aref population (first numbers)) with best-fitness = (individual-standardized-fitness best) for number in (rest numbers) for individual = (aref population number) for this-fitness = (individual-standardized-fitness individual) when (< this-fitness best-fitness) do (setf best individual) (setf best-fitness this-fitness) finally (return (individual-program best))))) (defun find-fitness-proportionate-individual (after-this-fitness population) "Finds an individual in the specified population whose normalized fitness is greater than the specified value. All we need to do is count along the population from the beginning adding up the fitness until we get past the specified point." (let ((sum-of-fitness 0.0) (population-size (length population))) (let ((index-of-selected-individual (do ((index 0 (+ index 1))) ;; Exit condition ((or (>= index population-size) (>= sum-of-fitness after-this-fitness)) (if (>= index population-size) (- (length population) 1) (- index 1))) ;; Body. Sum up the fitness values. (incf sum-of-fitness (individual-normalized-fitness (aref population index)))))) (individual-program (aref population index-of-selected-individual))))) (defun crossover-at-any-points (male female) "Performs crossover on the programs at any point in the trees." ;; Pick points in the respective trees ;; on which to perform the crossover. (let ((male-point (random-integer (count-crossover-points male))) (female-point (random-integer (count-crossover-points female)))) ;; First, copy the trees because we destructively modify the ;; new individuals to do the crossover. Reselection is ;; allowed in the original population. Not copying would ;; cause the individuals in the old population to ;; be modified. (let ((new-male (list (copy-tree male))) (new-female (list (copy-tree female)))) ;; Get the pointers to the subtrees indexed by male-point ;; and female-point (multiple-value-bind (male-subtree-pointer male-fragment) (get-subtree (first new-male) new-male male-point) (multiple-value-bind (female-subtree-pointer female-fragment) (get-subtree (first new-female) new-female female-point) ;; Modify the new individuals by smashing in the ;; (copied) subtree from the old individual. (setf (first male-subtree-pointer) female-fragment) (setf (first female-subtree-pointer) male-fragment))) ;; Make sure that the new individuals aren't too big. (validate-crossover male new-male female new-female)))) (defun count-crossover-points (program) "Counts the number of points in the tree (program). This includes functions as well as terminals." (if (consp program) (+ 1 (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'count-crossover-points (rest program)))) 1)) (defun max-depth-of-tree (tree) "Returns the depth of the deepest branch of the tree (program)." (if (consp tree) (+ 1 (if (rest tree) (apply #'max (mapcar #'max-depth-of-tree (rest tree))) 0)) 1)) (defun get-subtree (tree pointer-to-tree index) "Given a tree or subtree, a pointer to that tree/subtree and an index return the component subtree that is numbered by Index. We number left to right, depth first." (if (= index 0) (values pointer-to-tree (copy-tree tree) index) (if (consp tree) (do* ((tail (rest tree) (rest tail)) (argument (first tail) (first tail))) ((not tail) (values nil nil index)) (multiple-value-bind (new-pointer new-tree new-index) (get-subtree argument tail (- index 1)) (if (= new-index 0) (return (values new-pointer new-tree new-index)) (setf index new-index)))) (values nil nil index)))) (defun validate-crossover (male new-male female new-female) "Given the old and new males and females from a crossover operation check to see whether we have exceeded the maximum allowed depth. If either of the new individuals has exceeded the maxdepth then the old individual is used." (let ((male-depth (max-depth-of-tree (first new-male))) (female-depth (max-depth-of-tree (first new-female)))) (values (if (or (= 1 male-depth) (> male-depth *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover*)) male (first new-male)) (if (or (= 1 female-depth) (> female-depth *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover*)) female (first new-female))))) (defun crossover-at-function-points (male female) "Performs crossover on the two programs at a function (internal) point in the trees." ;; Pick the function (internal) points in the respective trees ;; on which to perform the crossover. (let ((male-point (random-integer (count-function-points male))) (female-point (random-integer (count-function-points female)))) ;; Copy the trees because we destructively modify the new ;; individuals to do the crossover and Reselection is ;; allowed in the original population. Not copying would ;; cause the individuals in the old population to ;; be modified. (let ((new-male (list (copy-tree male))) (new-female (list (copy-tree female)))) ;; Get the pointers to the subtrees indexed by male-point ;; and female-point (multiple-value-bind (male-subtree-pointer male-fragment) (get-function-subtree (first new-male) new-male male-point) (multiple-value-bind (female-subtree-pointer female-fragment) (get-function-subtree (first new-female) new-female female-point) ;; Modify the new individuals by smashing in ;; the (copied) subtree from the old individual. (setf (first male-subtree-pointer) female-fragment) (setf (first female-subtree-pointer) male-fragment))) ;; Make sure that the new individuals aren't too big. (validate-crossover male new-male female new-female)))) (defun count-function-points (program) "Counts the number of function (internal) points in the program." (if (consp program) (+ 1 (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'count-function-points (rest program)))) 0)) (defun get-function-subtree (tree pointer-to-tree index) "Given a tree or subtree, a pointer to that tree/subtree and an index return the component subtree that is labeled with an internal point that is numbered by Index. We number left to right, depth first." (if (= index 0) (values pointer-to-tree (copy-tree tree) index) (if (consp tree) (do* ((tail (rest tree) (rest tail)) (argument (first tail) (first tail))) ((not tail) (values nil nil index)) (multiple-value-bind (new-pointer new-tree new-index) (if (consp argument) (get-function-subtree argument tail (- index 1)) (values nil nil index)) (if (= new-index 0) (return (values new-pointer new-tree new-index)) (setf index new-index)))) (values nil nil index)))) (defun mutate (program function-set argument-map terminal-set) "Mutates the argument program by picking a random point in the tree and substituting in a brand new subtree created in the same way that we create the initial random population." ;; Pick the mutation point. (let ((mutation-point (random-integer (count-crossover-points program))) ;; Create a brand new subtree. (new-subtree (create-individual-program function-set argument-map terminal-set *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants* t nil))) (let ((new-program (list (copy-tree program)))) (multiple-value-bind (subtree-pointer fragment) ;; Get the pointer to the mutation point. (get-subtree (first new-program) new-program mutation-point) ;; Not interested in what we're snipping out. (declare (ignore fragment)) ;; Smash in the new subtree. (setf (first subtree-pointer) new-subtree)) (values (first new-program) new-subtree)))) (defun park-miller-randomizer () "The Park-Miller multiplicative congruential randomizer (CACM, October 88, Page 1195). Creates pseudo random floating point numbers in the range 0.0 < x <= 1.0. The seed value for this randomizer is called *seed*, so you should record/set this if you want to make your runs reproducible." #+Lucid (unless (typep *seed* 'integer) (setq *seed* (round *seed*))) (assert (not (zerop *seed*)) () "*seed* cannot be zero.") (let ((multiplier #+Lucid 16807 #-Lucid 16807.0d0);16807 is (expt 7 5) (modulus #+Lucid 2147483647 #-Lucid 2147483647.0d0)) ;2147483647 is (- (expt 2 31) 1) (let ((temp (* multiplier *seed*))) (setf *seed* (mod temp modulus)) ;;Produces floating-point number in the range ;; 0.0 < x <= 1.0 (#+lucid float #-lucid progn (/ *seed* modulus))))) (defun random-floating-point-number (n) "Returns a pseudo random floating-point number in range 0.0 <= number < n" (let ((random-number (park-miller-randomizer))) ;; We subtract the randomly generated number from 1.0 ;; before scaling so that we end up in the range ;; 0.0 <= x < 1.0, not 0.0 < x <= 1.0 (* n (- 1.0d0 random-number)))) (defun random-integer (n) "Returns a pseudo-random integer in the range 0 ---> n-1." (let ((random-number (random-floating-point-number 1.0))) (floor (* n random-number)))) ;========================================================================= ;;; Streamlined EVAL (defmacro fast-eval-fun () "A code body that does fast evaluation of a functional expression." '(ecase (length expr) (1 (funcall fef)) (2 (funcall fef (fast-eval (second expr)))) (3 (funcall fef (fast-eval (second expr)) (fast-eval (third expr)))) (4 (funcall fef (fast-eval (second expr)) (fast-eval (third expr)) (fast-eval (fourth expr)))))) #+TI (defun fast-eval (expr) "A fast evaluator that can be used with the Genetic Programming Paradigm for the TI Explorer." (cond ((consp expr) (let ((function (first expr))) (if (eq 'quote function) (second expr) (let ((fef (symbol-function function))) (cond ((and (consp fef) (eq'pseudo-macro (first fef))) (apply (second fef) (rest expr))) (t (fast-eval-fun))))))) ((symbolp expr) (symbol-value expr)) (t expr))) #+:CCL (defvar *pseudo-macro-tag* (compile nil '(lambda () nil))) #+:CCL (defun fast-eval (expr) "A fast evaluator that can be used with the Genetic Programming Paradigm for Macintosh Common Lisp." (cond ((consp expr) (let ((function (first expr))) (if (eq 'quote function) (second expr) (let ((fef (symbol-function function))) (cond ((eq fef *pseudo-macro-tag*) (apply (symbol-value function) (rest expr))) (t (fast-eval-fun))))))) ((symbolp expr) (symbol-value expr)) (t expr))) #+EXCL (defun fast-eval (expr) "A fast evaluator that can be used with the Genetic Programming Paradigm for Franz Lisp." (cond ((consp expr) (let ((function (first expr))) (if (eq 'quote function) (second expr) (let ((fef (symbol-function function))) (cond ((compiled-function-p fef) (fast-eval-fun)) ;; Then ASSUME we are a pseudo ;; macro and are bound. (t (apply (symbol-value function) (rest expr)))))))) ((symbolp expr) (symbol-value expr)) (t expr))) #+Lucid (defconstant *pseudo-macro-flag-position* 20) #+Lucid (defun fast-eval (expr) "A fast evaluator that can be used with the Genetic Programming Paradigm for Lucid Lisp." (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0))) (cond ((consp expr) (let ((function (first expr))) (if (eq 'quote function) (second expr) (let ((fef (symbol-function function))) (if (logbitp (the fixnum *pseudo-macro-flag-position*) (the fixnum (system:procedure-ref fef system:procedure-flags))) ;; Then ASSUME we are a pseudo ;; macro and are bound. (apply (symbol-value function) (rest expr)) (fast-eval-fun)))))) ((symbolp expr) (symbol-value expr)) (t expr))) (defun install-pseudo-macro (name implementation) "Install a pseudo-macro called Name, which is implemented by the function Implementation." #+(or EXCL Lucid :CCL) (setf (symbol-value name) implementation) (setf (symbol-function name) #+:CCL *pseudo-macro-tag* #+Lucid implementation #-(or Lucid :CCL) (list #+TI 'pseudo-macro #+(or EXCL :CCL) 'lambda #-(or TI EXCL :CCL) (error "A conditionalization for your lisp ~ must be added to install-pseudo-macro") implementation)) #+Lucid (setf (ldb (byte 1 *pseudo-macro-flag-position*) (system:procedure-ref implementation system:procedure-flags)) 1) (format t "~&;;; Installed ~S as the implementation of ~S" implementation name)) ;;; Detect those implementations that know about fast-eval (eval-when (compile load eval) #+(or Lucid EXCL TI :CCL) (pushnew :Fast-Eval *features*) nil) #-:Fast-Eval (warn "No implementation-specific version of fast-eval ~ has been written. Please write your own using ~ the examples provided.") (defun ifltz-implementation (then-clause else-clause) "An example implementation of a pseudo-macro. Note that the arguments are evaluated using fast-eval explicitly. This implements ifltz, the if x < 0 then do Then-clause else do the Else-clause." (declare (special x)) (if (< x 0) (fast-eval then-clause) (fast-eval else-clause))) ;;; Registers ifltz-implementation as the implementation ;;; of ifltz #+:Fast-eval (install-pseudo-macro 'ifltz #'ifltz-implementation) (defun my-if-implementation (condition then-clause else-clause) "Implements MY-IF, which is a pseudo-macro just like IF." (if (fast-eval condition) (fast-eval then-clause) (fast-eval else-clause))) ;;; Registers my-if-implementation as the implementation of ;;; my-if #+:Fast-eval (install-pseudo-macro 'my-if #'my-if-implementation) (defun sand (a b) "Strict AND" (and a b)) (defun sor (a b) "Strict OR" (or a b)) ;========================================================================= ;;; Editor for simplifying sexpressions (defun edit-top-level-sexpression (sexpression rule-base) "Applies the rules in RULE-BASE to edit SEXPRESSION into a simpler form." (let ((location (list sexpression))) (edit-sexpression rule-base location sexpression) location)) (defun edit-sexpression (rule-base location sexpression) "Given a rule base (list of rules), an sexpression and the location of that sexpression in the containing expression, applies the rules to the sexpression and its arguments recursively. The rules are reapplied until a quiescent state is achieved." ;; Apply the edit rules to each of the arguments. ;; If something changes, try again. (when (consp sexpression) (do* ((args (rest sexpression) (rest args)) (arg (first args) (first args)) (arg-location (rest sexpression) (rest arg-location)) (changed-p (edit-sexpression rule-base arg-location arg) (edit-sexpression rule-base arg-location arg))) ((not args) (when changed-p (edit-sexpression rule-base location sexpression))) nil)) ;; Apply the edit rules to this expression. Say that ;; something has changed if any rule fires. (let ((changed-p nil)) (dolist (clause rule-base) (let ((condition (second clause)) (action (third clause))) (let ((applicable-p (funcall condition sexpression))) (when applicable-p (funcall action location sexpression) (setf changed-p t))))) changed-p)) (defun constant-expression-p (sexpression) "Is true of an sexpression if it evaluates to a constant. Note that this can be a problem domain specific problem." (if (consp sexpression) (do* ((args (rest sexpression) (rest args)) (arg (first args) (first args))) ((not args) t) (unless (constant-expression-p arg) (return nil))) ;;; Assumes that variable quantities are always symbols ;;; and assumes that any symbol that is not self- ;;; evaluating is not constant (this will fail for pi) ;;; so to solve more general problems some extra ;;; convention would be required. (or (not (symbolp sexpression)) (keywordp sexpression) (and (boundp sexpression) (eq sexpression (symbol-value sexpression)))))) (defmacro def-edit-rule (rule-name rule-base (sexpression-name) &key condition action) "Declares an edit rule called RULE-NAME in the RULE-BASE. SEXPRESSION-NAME is the local name to be given to the sexpression on which this rule is being invokes. The CONDITION clause is evaluated, and if it is true, the ACTION clause is evaluated. The action clause should make calls to REPLACE-SEXPRESSION to perform an edit." (assert (and condition action) () "Both a condition and an action must be supplied.") `(setf ,rule-base (cons (list ',rule-name #'(lambda (,sexpression-name) ,condition) #'(lambda (location ,sexpression-name) ,sexpression-name ,action)) (remove (assoc ',rule-name ,rule-base :test #'eq) ,rule-base)))) (defmacro replace-sexpression (new-sexpression) "The form to use in an edit rule that registers an edit. For example, if the sexpression being edited is to be replaced with the first argument to the function of the sexpression then we would say: (replace-sexpression (second the-sexpression)), where the-sexpression is the name of the sexpression supplied as an argument to def-edit-rule. This example would be useful if the function in question was an identity function. Thus: (def-edit-rule remove-identity-functions *my-rule-base* (the-sexpression) :condition (and (consp the-sexpression) (eq (first the-sexpression) 'identity)) :action (replace-sexpression (second the-sexpression)))" `(setf (first location) ,new-sexpression)) ;========================================================================= ;;; Rule base. (defvar *boolean-rules* nil "The rule base for Boolean problems.") ;;; Transforms expressions of the form (not (not )) into ;;; . (def-edit-rule not-not-x->-x *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (consp (second sexpression)) (eq (first sexpression) 'not) (eq (first (second sexpression)) 'not)) :action (replace-sexpression (second (second sexpression)))) ;;; Transforms expressions of the form (or t) into t. (def-edit-rule or-t->-t *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (eq 'or (first sexpression)) (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (constant-expression-p arg) (eval arg)) (return t)))) :action (replace-sexpression t)) ;;; Transforms expressions of the form (and nil ) into nil. (def-edit-rule and-nil->-nil *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (eq 'and (first sexpression)) (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (constant-expression-p arg) (not (eval arg))) (return t)))) :action (replace-sexpression nil)) ;;; Transforms expressions of the form (and t ) into . (def-edit-rule and-t->-x *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (eq 'and (first sexpression)) (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (constant-expression-p arg) (eval arg)) (return t)))) :action (let ((remaining-args (remove-if #'(lambda (arg) (and (constant-expression-p arg) (eval arg))) (rest sexpression)))) (replace-sexpression (case (length remaining-args) (0 t) (1 (first remaining-args)) (otherwise (cons 'and remaining-args)))))) ;;; Transforms expressions of the form (or nil) into ;;; . (def-edit-rule or-nil->-x *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (eq 'or (first sexpression)) (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (constant-expression-p arg) (not (eval arg))) (return t)))) :action (let ((remaining-args (remove-if #'(lambda (arg) (and (constant-expression-p arg) (not (eval arg)))) (rest sexpression)))) (replace-sexpression (case (length remaining-args) (0 nil) (1 (first remaining-args)) (otherwise (cons 'or remaining-args)))))) ;;; Combines calls to AND and OR into their polyadic forms, so ;;; (and (and ) ) will be transformed into (and ;;; ). (def-edit-rule polyadicize *boolean-rules* (sexpression) :condition (and (consp sexpression) (member (first sexpression) '(and or) :test #'eq) (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (consp arg) (eq (first arg) (first sexpression))) (return t)))) :action (let ((interesting-arg (dolist (arg (rest sexpression) nil) (when (and (consp arg) (eq (first arg) (first sexpression))) (return arg))))) (replace-sexpression (cons (first sexpression) (append (rest interesting-arg) (remove interesting-arg (rest sexpression))))))) ;========================================================================= ;;; Regression Problem for 0.5x**2 (defvar x) (defun define-terminal-set-for-REGRESSION () (values '(x :floating-point-random-constant)) ) (defun define-function-set-for-REGRESSION () (values '(+ - * %) '(2 2 2 2)) ) (defun % (numerator denominator) "The Protected Division Function" (values (if (= 0 denominator) 1 (/ numerator denominator))) ) (defstruct REGRESSION-fitness-case independent-variable target ) (defun define-fitness-cases-for-REGRESSION () ;01 (let (fitness-cases x this-fitness-case) ;02 (setf fitness-cases (make-array *number-of-fitness-cases*)) ;03 (format t "~%Fitness cases") ;04 (dotimes (index *number-of-fitness-cases*) ;05 (setf x (/ index *number-of-fitness-cases*)) ;06 (setf this-fitness-case (make-REGRESSION-fitness-case)) ;07 (setf (aref fitness-cases index) this-fitness-case) ;08 (setf (REGRESSION-fitness-case-independent-variable ;09 this-fitness-case) ;10 x) ;11 (setf (REGRESSION-fitness-case-target ;12 this-fitness-case) ;13 (* 0.5 x x)) ;14 (format t "~% ~D ~D ~D" ;15 index ;16 (float x) ;17 (REGRESSION-fitness-case-target this-fitness-case)) ;18 ) ;19 (values fitness-cases) ;20 ) ;21 ) ;22 (defun REGRESSION-wrapper (result-from-program) (values result-from-program) ) (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-REGRESSION ;01 (program fitness-cases) ;02 (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness x target-value ;03 difference value-from-program this-fitness-case) ;04 (setf raw-fitness 0.0) ;05 (setf hits 0) ;06 (dotimes (index *number-of-fitness-cases*) ;07 (setf this-fitness-case (aref fitness-cases index)) ;08 (setf x ;09 (REGRESSION-fitness-case-independent-variable ;10 this-fitness-case)) ;11 (setf target-value ;12 (REGRESSION-fitness-case-target ;13 this-fitness-case)) ;14 (setf value-from-program ;15 (REGRESSION-wrapper (eval program))) ;16 (setf difference (abs (- target-value ;17 value-from-program))) ;18 (incf raw-fitness difference) ;19 (when (< difference 0.01) (incf hits))) ;20 (setf standardized-fitness raw-fitness) ;21 (values standardized-fitness hits) ;22 ) ;23 ) ;24 (defun define-parameters-for-REGRESSION () (setf *number-of-fitness-cases* 10) (setf *max-depth-for-new-individuals* 6) (setf *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover* 17) (setf *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction* 0.1) (setf *crossover-at-any-point-fraction* 0.2) (setf *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* 0.2) (setf *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants* 4) (setf *method-of-selection* :fitness-proportionate) (setf *method-of-generation* :ramped-half-and-half) (values) ) (defun define-termination-criterion-for-REGRESSION ;01 (current-generation ;02 maximum-generations ;03 best-standardized-fitness ;04 best-hits) ;05 (declare (ignore best-standardized-fitness)) ;06 (values ;07 (or (>= current-generation maximum-generations) ;08 (>= best-hits *number-of-fitness-cases*)) ;09 ) ;10 ) ;11 (defun REGRESSION () (values 'define-function-set-for-REGRESSION 'define-terminal-set-for-REGRESSION 'define-fitness-cases-for-REGRESSION 'evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-REGRESSION 'define-parameters-for-REGRESSION 'define-termination-criterion-for-REGRESSION ) ) ;========================================================================= ;;; Boolean 3-Majority-on Problem (defvar d0) (defvar d1) (defvar d2) (defun define-terminal-set-for-MAJORITY-ON () (values '(d2 d1 d0)) ) (defun define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON () (values '(and or not) '( 2 2 1) ) ) (defun define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON () (values '(and and or not) '( 2 3 2 1) ) ) (defstruct MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case d0 d1 d2 target ) (defun define-fitness-cases-for-MAJORITY-ON () (let (fitness-case fitness-cases index) (setf fitness-cases (make-array *number-of-fitness-cases*)) (format t "~%Fitness cases") (setf index 0) (dolist (d2 '(t nil)) (dolist (d1 '(t nil)) (dolist (d0 '(t nil)) (setf fitness-case (make-MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case) ) (setf (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d0 fitness-case) d0) (setf (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d1 fitness-case) d1) (setf (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d2 fitness-case) d2) (setf (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-target fitness-case) (or (and d2 d1 (not d0)) (and d2 (not d1) d0) (or (and (not d2) d1 d0) (and d2 d1 d0) ) ) ) (setf (aref fitness-cases index) fitness-case) (incf index) (format t "~% ~D ~S ~S ~S ~S" index d2 d1 d0 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-target fitness-case ) ) ) ) ) (values fitness-cases) ) ) (defun MAJORITY-ON-wrapper (result-from-program) (values result-from-program) ) (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-MAJORITY-ON (program fitness-cases) (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness target-value match-found value-from-program fitness-case ) (setf raw-fitness 0.0) (setf hits 0) (dotimes (index *number-of-fitness-cases*) (setf fitness-case (aref fitness-cases index)) (setf d0 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d0 fitness-case)) (setf d1 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d1 fitness-case)) (setf d2 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d2 fitness-case)) (setf target-value (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-target fitness-case)) (setf value-from-program (MAJORITY-ON-wrapper (eval program))) (setf match-found (eq target-value value-from-program)) (incf raw-fitness (if match-found 1.0 0.0)) (when match-found (incf hits)) ) (setf standardized-fitness (- 8 raw-fitness)) (values standardized-fitness hits) ) ) (defun define-parameters-for-MAJORITY-ON () (setf *number-of-fitness-cases* 8) (setf *max-depth-for-new-individuals* 6) (setf *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants* 4) (setf *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover* 17) (setf *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction* 0.1) (setf *crossover-at-any-point-fraction* 0.2) (setf *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* 0.7) (setf *method-of-selection* :fitness-proportionate) (setf *method-of-generation* :ramped-half-and-half) (values) ) (defun define-termination-criterion-for-MAJORITY-ON (current-generation maximum-generations best-standardized-fitness best-hits) (declare (ignore best-standardized-fitness)) (values (or (>= current-generation maximum-generations) (>= best-hits *number-of-fitness-cases*) ) ) ) (defun MAJORITY-ON () (values 'define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON 'define-terminal-set-for-MAJORITY-ON 'define-fitness-cases-for-MAJORITY-ON 'evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-MAJORITY-ON 'define-parameters-for-MAJORITY-ON 'define-termination-criterion-for-MAJORITY-ON ) ) ;========================================================================= ;;; Discrete non-hamstrung squadcar problem (defvar x) (defvar y) (defun define-terminal-set-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR () (values '((goN) (goE) (goS) (goW))) ) (defun define-function-set-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR () (values '(ifX ifY) '( 3 3) ) ) (defvar *speed-ratio* 2) (defun goN () (setf y (- y *speed-ratio*)) ) (defun goS () (setf y (+ y *speed-ratio*)) ) (defun goE () (setf x (- x *speed-ratio*)) ) (defun goW () (setf x (+ x *speed-ratio*)) ) #+TI (setf sys:inhibit-displacing-flag t) (defmacro ifX (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) `(cond ((>= x *speed-ratio*) (eval ',gt-0-arg)) ((<= x (- *speed-ratio*)) (eval ',lt-0-arg)) (t (eval ',eq-0-arg)) ) ) (defmacro ifY (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) `(cond ((>= y *speed-ratio*) (eval ',gt-0-arg)) ((<= y (- *speed-ratio*)) (eval ',lt-0-arg)) (t (eval ',eq-0-arg)) ) ) (defmacro ifX-evader (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) `(cond ((>= x 1) (eval ',gt-0-arg)) ((<= x -1) (eval ',lt-0-arg)) (t (eval ',eq-0-arg)) ) ) (defmacro ifY-evader (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) `(cond ((>= y 1) (eval ',gt-0-arg)) ((<= y -1) (eval ',lt-0-arg)) (t (eval ',eq-0-arg)) ) ) (defun goN-evader () (setf y (+ y 1)) ) (defun goS-evader () (setf y (- y 1)) ) (defun goE-evader () (setf x (+ x 1)) ) (defun goW-evader () (setf x (- x 1)) ) (defstruct NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case x y ) (defun define-fitness-cases-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR () (let (fitness-case fitness-cases index) (setf fitness-cases (make-array *number-of-fitness-cases*)) (format t "~%Fitness cases") (setf index 0) (dolist (x '(-5 5)) (dolist (y '(-5 5)) (setf fitness-case (make-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case) ) (setf (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-x fitness-case ) x ) (setf (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-y fitness-case ) y ) (setf (aref fitness-cases index) fitness-case) (incf index) (format t "~% ~D ~S ~S" index x y) ) ) (values fitness-cases) ) ) (defun NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-wrapper (argument) (values argument) ) (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR (program fitness-cases) (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness e-delta-x e-delta-y p-delta-x p-delta-y time-tally old-x old-y criterion (number-of-time-steps 50) ) (setf criterion *speed-ratio*) (setf raw-fitness 0.0) (setf hits 0) (dotimes (icase *number-of-fitness-cases*) (setf x (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-x (aref fitness-cases icase) ) ) (setf y (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-y (aref fitness-cases icase) ) ) (setf time-tally 0.0) (catch :terminate-fitness-case-simulation (dotimes (istep number-of-time-steps) (setf old-x x) (setf old-y y) (when (and (<= (abs x) criterion) (<= (abs y) criterion) ) (incf hits) (throw :terminate-fitness-case-simulation :scored-a-hit ) ) ;; Note: (x,y) is position of the Evader. ;; Changing the position of EVADER changes X and Y. ;; Execute evader player for this time step (eval '(ifY-evader (goS-evader) (ifX-evader (goW-evader) (goS-evader) (goE-evader) ) (goN-evader) ) ) (setf e-delta-x (- old-x x)) (setf e-delta-y (- old-y y)) ;; Reset position for Pursuer player. (setf x old-x) (setf y old-y) (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-wrapper (eval program)) (setf p-delta-x (- old-x x)) (setf p-delta-y (- old-y y)) ;; Integrate x and y changes. (setf x (- old-x (+ p-delta-x e-delta-x))) (setf y (- old-y (+ p-delta-y e-delta-y))) (incf time-tally) ) ) (incf raw-fitness time-tally) ) (setf standardized-fitness raw-fitness) (values standardized-fitness hits) ) ) (defun define-parameters-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR () (setf *number-of-fitness-cases* 4) (setf *max-depth-for-new-individuals* 6) (setf *max-depth-for-new-subtrees-in-mutants* 4) (setf *max-depth-for-individuals-after-crossover* 17) (setf *fitness-proportionate-reproduction-fraction* 0.1) (setf *crossover-at-any-point-fraction* 0.2) (setf *crossover-at-function-point-fraction* 0.7) (setf *method-of-selection* :fitness-proportionate) (setf *method-of-generation* :ramped-half-and-half) (values) ) (defun define-termination-criterion-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR (current-generation maximum-generations best-standardized-fitness best-hits) (declare (ignore best-hits best-standardized-fitness)) (values (>= current-generation maximum-generations)) ) (defun NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR () (values 'define-function-set-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 'define-terminal-set-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 'define-fitness-cases-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 'evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 'define-parameters-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 'define-termination-criterion-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR ) ) ;========================================================================= ;;; Test harness. (defun test-gpp (&optional (report-stream *standard-output*)) (let ((tests '((print (edit-top-level-sexpression '(and x t) *boolean-rules*)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 50) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 1 '(* 0.5 x x)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'MAJORITY-ON 1.0 1 1 '(or (and d2 d1 (not d0)) (and d2 (not d1) d0) (or (and (not d2) d1 d0) (and d2 d1 d0)))) (run-genetic-programming-system 'NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 1.0 1 1 '(ifX (goW) (ifY (goS) (goS) (goN)) (goE))) (print-population (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 50)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 31 200) (run-genetic-programming-system 'MAJORITY-ON 1.0 21 100) (run-genetic-programming-system 'NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 1.0 21 100)))) (dolist (form tests) (eval form) (format report-stream "~&Finished test ~S" form)))) (defun time-test-gpp (&optional (path "gpp-test.text")) (let ((current-output-stream *standard-output*)) (with-open-file (*standard-output* path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (time (test-gpp current-output-stream))))) #| ;;; Commented out region containing patches necessary to ;;; check out fast-eval and the pseudo-macro feature. (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-REGRESSION ;01 (program fitness-cases) ;02 (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness x target-value ;03 difference value-from-program this-fitness-case) ;04 (setf raw-fitness 0.0) ;05 (setf hits 0) ;06 (dotimes (index *number-of-fitness-cases*) ;07 (setf this-fitness-case (aref fitness-cases index)) ;08 (setf x ;09 (REGRESSION-fitness-case-independent-variable ;10 this-fitness-case)) ;11 (setf target-value ;12 (REGRESSION-fitness-case-target ;13 this-fitness-case)) ;14 (setf value-from-program ;15 (REGRESSION-wrapper (fast-eval program))) ;16 (setf difference (abs (- target-value ;17 value-from-program))) ;18 (incf raw-fitness difference) ;19 (when (< difference 0.01) (incf hits))) ;20 (setf standardized-fitness raw-fitness) ;21 (values standardized-fitness hits) ;22 ) ;23 ) ;24 (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-MAJORITY-ON (program fitness-cases) (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness target-value match-found value-from-program fitness-case ) (setf raw-fitness 0.0) (setf hits 0) (dotimes (index *number-of-fitness-cases*) (setf fitness-case (aref fitness-cases index)) (setf d0 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d0 fitness-case)) (setf d1 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d1 fitness-case)) (setf d2 (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-d2 fitness-case)) (setf target-value (MAJORITY-ON-fitness-case-target fitness-case)) (setf value-from-program (MAJORITY-ON-wrapper (fast-eval program))) (setf match-found (eq target-value value-from-program)) (incf raw-fitness (if match-found 1.0 0.0)) (when match-found (incf hits)) ) (setf standardized-fitness (- 8 raw-fitness)) (values standardized-fitness hits) ) ) (defun evaluate-standardized-fitness-for-NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR (program fitness-cases) (let (raw-fitness hits standardized-fitness e-delta-x e-delta-y p-delta-x p-delta-y time-tally old-x old-y criterion (number-of-time-steps 50) ) (setf criterion *speed-ratio*) (setf raw-fitness 0.0) (setf hits 0) (dotimes (icase *number-of-fitness-cases*) (setf x (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-x (aref fitness-cases icase) ) ) (setf y (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-fitness-case-y (aref fitness-cases icase) ) ) (setf time-tally 0.0) (catch :terminate-fitness-case-simulation (dotimes (istep number-of-time-steps) (setf old-x x) (setf old-y y) (when (and (<= (abs x) criterion) (<= (abs y) criterion) ) (incf hits) (throw :terminate-fitness-case-simulation :scored-a-hit ) ) ;; Note: (x,y) is position of the Evader. ;; Changing the position of EVADER changes X and Y. ;; Execute evader player for this time step (fast-eval '(ifY-evader (goS-evader) (ifX-evader (goW-evader) (goS-evader) (goE-evader) ) (goN-evader) ) ) (setf e-delta-x (- old-x x)) (setf e-delta-y (- old-y y)) ;; Reset position for Pursuer player. (setf x old-x) (setf y old-y) (NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR-wrapper (fast-eval program)) (setf p-delta-x (- old-x x)) (setf p-delta-y (- old-y y)) ;; Integrate x and y changes. (setf x (- old-x (+ p-delta-x e-delta-x))) (setf y (- old-y (+ p-delta-y e-delta-y))) (incf time-tally) ) ) (incf raw-fitness time-tally) ) (setf standardized-fitness raw-fitness) (values standardized-fitness hits) ) ) (defun define-function-set-for-MAJORITY-ON () (values '(sand sor not) '( 2 2 1) ) ) (defun ifX-implementation (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) (cond ((>= x *speed-ratio*) (fast-eval gt-0-arg)) ((<= x (- *speed-ratio*)) (fast-eval lt-0-arg)) (t (fast-eval eq-0-arg)) ) ) (install-pseudo-macro 'ifX #'ifX-implementation) (defun ifY-implementation (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) (cond ((>= y *speed-ratio*) (fast-eval gt-0-arg)) ((<= y (- *speed-ratio*)) (fast-eval lt-0-arg)) (t (fast-eval eq-0-arg)) ) ) (install-pseudo-macro 'ifY #'ifY-implementation) (defun ifX-evader-implementation (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) (cond ((>= x 1) (fast-eval gt-0-arg)) ((<= x -1) (fast-eval lt-0-arg)) (t (fast-eval eq-0-arg)) ) ) (install-pseudo-macro 'ifX-evader #'ifX-evader-implementation) (defun ifY-evader-implementation (lt-0-arg eq-0-arg gt-0-arg) (cond ((>= y 1) (fast-eval gt-0-arg)) ((<= y -1) (fast-eval lt-0-arg)) (t (fast-eval eq-0-arg)) ) ) (install-pseudo-macro 'ifY-evader #'ifY-evader-implementation) (defun test-gpp (&optional (report-stream *standard-output*)) (let ((tests '((print (edit-top-level-sexpression '(and x t) *boolean-rules*)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 50) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 1 '(* 0.5 x x)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'MAJORITY-ON 1.0 1 1 '(sor (sand d2 (sand d1 (not d0))) (sor (sand d2 (sand (not d1) d0)) (sor (sand (not d2) (sand d1 d0)) (sand d2 (sand d1 d0)))))) (run-genetic-programming-system 'NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 1.0 1 1 '(ifX (goW) (ifY (goS) (goS) (goN)) (goE))) (print-population (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 1 50)) (run-genetic-programming-system 'REGRESSION 1.0 31 200) (run-genetic-programming-system 'MAJORITY-ON 1.0 21 100) (run-genetic-programming-system 'NON-HAMSTRUNG-SQUAD-CAR 1.0 21 100)))) (dolist (form tests) (eval form) (format report-stream "~&Finished test ~S" form)))) ;;; End of commented out section. |#