Simple Classifier System ------ ---------- ------ Compile the program by using the shell file named "Compile". Run the program by giving the command "scs". The program searches for six files in the current directory.These are : - File for the training set. - Classifier file containing the initial population. - Environment file containing environment specific attributes. - Genetic Algorithm parameters file. - Time related parameters file. - Reinforcement parameters file. The training set file consists of a number of lines, each line corresponding to a training pattern (or environmental message).Each training pattern is made up of a fixed length condition part of bitstring, and a result (action) part of decimal integer; separated by a semicolon and a blank.The semicolon must come immediately after the last bit of the condition. The number of training patterns and the number of bits in the condition part of a training pattern are given in the environment file. The decimal range of the actions are given in the classifiers file.Among other system parameters, the classifiers file must contain the initial population.The format for the initial population is similar to the format of training set file.Each line contains three arguments : the condition of the classifier, the action of the classifier, and the initial strength of the classifier.The condition and action parts of the classifiers must be separated by a semicolon and a blank character.The semicolon must come immediately after the last bit of the condition. The bits comprising the condition part, and the action part of each classifier can either be produced randomly (by putting a 'R' into the corresponding bit position), or specific values can be given. The program produces three output files: - Report file for the initial, progress, and final reports of the current session. - Two plot files illustrating the performance of the system, to be used off-line with any graphical tool available on the system. The names for all of the above files can either be entered interactively, or made specific by making the related changes to the initialization program (initial.c).One of the parameters (which can be 'interactive' or 'batch'), used in the calls to the open_input and open_output procedures can be used for this purpose.