| ====================================================================== | Modified by Brian Frasca (6/13/94) - Last attribute deleted to give a | two-class problem as suggested by Holte. | | John Gennari | 3/13/90 | | This is Dr. Detrano's database modified to be a real MIXED dataset. | | Attributes: 8 symbolic, 6 numeric. | Age; sex; chest pain type (angina, abnang, notang, asympt) | Trestbps (resting blood pres); cholesteral; fasting blood sugar < 120 | (true or false); resting ecg (norm, abn, hyper); max heart rate; | exercise induced angina (true or false); oldpeak; slope (up, flat, down) | number of vessels colored (???); thal (norm, fixed, rever). Finally, the | class is either healthy (buff) or with heart-disease (sick). | | Original atts: | age; sex (1,0); cp (1-4); trestbps; chol; fbs (1,0); restecg (0,1,2); | thalach; exang (1,0); oldpeak; slope (1,2,3); ca; thal (3,6,7); | class att: 0 is healthy, 1,2,3,4 is sick. | ====================================================================== buff, sick Age: continuous Sex: male, fem Chest pain type: angina, abnang, notang, asympt Trestbps: continuous Cholesteral: continuous Fasting blood sugar < 120: true, fal Resting ecg: norm, abn, hyp Max heart rate: continuous Exercise induced angina: true, fal Oldpeak: continuous Slope: up, flat, down Number of vessels colored: continuous Thal: norm, fix, rev