| 1. Title: Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame database | | 2. Source Information | -- Creator: David W. Aha (aha@cs.jhu.edu) | -- Donor: David W. Aha (aha@cs.jhu.edu) | -- Date: 19 August 1991 | | 3. Known Past Usage: | 1. Matheus,~C.~J., \& Rendell,~L.~A. (1989). Constructive | induction on decision trees. In {\it Proceedings of the | Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence} | (pp. 645--650). Detroit, MI: Morgan Kaufmann. | -- CITRE was applied to 100-instance training and 200-instance test | sets. In a study using various amounts of domain-specific | knowledge, its highest average accuracy was 76.7% (using the | final decision tree created for testing). | | 2. Matheus,~C.~J. (1990). Adding domain knowledge to SBL through | feature construction. In {\it Proceedings of the Eighth National | Conference on Artificial Intelligence} (pp. 803--808). | Boston, MA: AAAI Press. | -- Similar experiments with CITRE, includes learning curves up | to 500-instance training sets but used _all_ instances in the | database for testing. Accuracies reached above 90%, but specific | values are not given (see Chris's dissertation for more details). | | 3. Aha,~D.~W. (1991). Incremental constructive induction: An instance-based | approach. In {\it Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop | on Machine Learning} (pp. 117--121). Evanston, ILL: Morgan Kaufmann. | -- Used 70% for training, 30% of the instances for testing, evaluated | over 10 trials. Results reported for six algorithms: | -- NewID: 84.0% | -- CN2: 98.1% | -- MBRtalk: 88.4% | -- IB1: 98.1% | -- IB3: 82.0% | -- IB3-CI: 99.1% | -- Results also reported when adding an additional 10 irrelevant | ternary-valued attributes; similar _relative_ results except that | IB1's performance degraded more quickly than the others. | | 4. Relevant Information: | | This database encodes the complete set of possible board configurations | at the end of tic-tac-toe games, where "x" is assumed to have played | first. The target concept is "win for x" (i.e., true when "x" has one | of 8 possible ways to create a "three-in-a-row"). | | Interestingly, this raw database gives a stripped-down decision tree | algorithm (e.g., ID3) fits. However, the rule-based CN2 algorithm, the | simple IB1 instance-based learning algorithm, and the CITRE | feature-constructing decision tree algorithm perform well on it. | | 5. Number of Instances: 958 (legal tic-tac-toe endgame boards) | | 6. Number of Attributes: 9, each corresponding to one tic-tac-toe square | | 7. Attribute Information: (x=player x has taken, o=player o has taken, b=blank) | | 1. top-left-square: {x,o,b} | 2. top-middle-square: {x,o,b} | 3. top-right-square: {x,o,b} | 4. middle-left-square: {x,o,b} | 5. middle-middle-square: {x,o,b} | 6. middle-right-square: {x,o,b} | 7. bottom-left-square: {x,o,b} | 8. bottom-middle-square: {x,o,b} | 9. bottom-right-square: {x,o,b} | 10. Class: {positive,negative} | | 8. Missing Attribute Values: None | | 9. Class Distribution: About 65.3% are positive (i.e., wins for "x") | positive,negative t1 : x, o, b t2 : x, o, b t3 : x, o, b t4 : x, o, b t5 : x, o, b t6 : x, o, b t7 : x, o, b t8 : x, o, b t9 : x, o, b