#|***************************************************************************** G L O B A L S R E Q U I R E D B Y C L A S S W E B *****************************************************************************|# (provide "globals") (defvar *ACUITY* 1.0 "minimum allowable variance") (defvar *THRESHOLD* 1.0 "determines when system stops; defaults is with no cut-off") (defvar *OUTPUT-STREAM* nil "output stream") (defvar *ATT-NAMES* nil "ordered list of attributes names") (defvar *GLOBAL-DEBUG* nil "whether to print out tracing information") (defvar *TYPE-LIST* nil "list of either :numeric or :nominal") (defvar *LEARNING* t "whether system is learning (t) or testing (nil). Reset by the run function") (defvar *PRED-ATTS* nil "list of attribute names that are being predicted during test mode (must be elements of *ATT-NAMES*)") (defvar *SPLIT* t "controls the avaliability of the split operator") (defvar *MERGE* t "controls the avaliability of the merge operator")