Classifier: RIMARC Domain: sampleDataSet.txt Verbosity: 3 Cross Validation, Number of Folds: 2 Number of instances: 15 Number of features: 3 Fold: 0 Training with instances 8..14 Class counts in the training set: P=2 N=5 categoricF C 1.0 green score=1.0, counts: P=2 N=0 red score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 blue score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 white score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 yellow score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 ordinalF N 0.8000001 4.5..5.5 score=1.0, counts: P=1 N=0 2.5..4.5 score=0.33333334, counts: P=1 N=2 <2.5 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 5.5< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 numericalF N 1.0 8.32< score=1.0, counts: P=2 N=0 <8.32 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=5 Rules learned after training: categoricF C 1.0 green score=1.0, counts: P=2 N=0 red score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 blue score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 white score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 yellow score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 ordinalF N 0.8000001 4.5..5.5 score=1.0, counts: P=1 N=0 2.5..4.5 score=0.33333334, counts: P=1 N=2 <2.5 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 5.5< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=1 numericalF N 1.0 8.32< score=1.0, counts: P=2 N=0 <8.32 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=5 Computing scores of instances 0..7 Computing score for instance 0 (class: P) categoricF=green weight=1.0 score=1.0 ordinalF=3.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.33333334 numericalF=10.7 (8.32<) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=2.2666667 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.80952376 Computing score for instance 1 (class: P) categoricF=yellow weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=4.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.33333334 numericalF=78.9 (8.32<) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=1.2666667 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.45238093 Computing score for instance 2 (class: P) categoricF=green weight=1.0 score=1.0 ordinalF=3.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.33333334 numericalF=45.6 (8.32<) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=2.2666667 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.80952376 Computing score for instance 3 (class: N) categoricF=white weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=5.0 (4.5..5.5) weight=0.8000001 score=1.0 numericalF=123.45 (8.32<) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=1.8000001 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.64285713 Computing score for instance 4 (class: N) categoricF=red weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=2.0 (<2.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=-0.5 (<8.32) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.0 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.0 Computing score for instance 5 (class: N) categoricF=white weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=3.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.33333334 numericalF=90.0 (8.32<) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=1.2666667 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.45238093 Computing score for instance 6 (class: N) categoricF=red weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=2.0 (<2.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=1.0 (<8.32) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.0 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.0 Computing score for instance 7 (class: N) categoricF=blue weight=1.0 score=0.0 ordinalF=5.0 (4.5..5.5) weight=0.8000001 score=1.0 numericalF=3.4 (<8.32) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.8000001 TotalWeight=2.8000002 Instance score= 0.2857143 Fold: 1 Training with instances 0..7 Class counts in the training set: P=3 N=5 categoricF C 0.96000004 green score=1.0, counts: P=4 N=0 yellow score=0.33333334, counts: P=1 N=2 red score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 blue score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 white score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 ordinalF N 0.8000001 2.5..4.5 score=0.75, counts: P=3 N=1 4.5< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 <2.5 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 numericalF N 1.0 7.05..84.45 score=1.0, counts: P=3 N=0 84.45< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 <7.05 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 Rules learned after training: categoricF C 0.96000004 green score=1.0, counts: P=4 N=0 yellow score=0.33333334, counts: P=1 N=2 red score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 blue score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 white score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 ordinalF N 0.8000001 2.5..4.5 score=0.75, counts: P=3 N=1 4.5< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 <2.5 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 numericalF N 1.0 7.05..84.45 score=1.0, counts: P=3 N=0 84.45< score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=2 <7.05 score=0.0, counts: P=0 N=3 Computing scores of instances 8..14 Computing score for instance 8 (class: P) categoricF=green weight=0.96000004 score=1.0 ordinalF=5.0 (4.5<) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=10.1 (7.05..84.45) weight=1.0 score=1.0 TotalScore=1.96 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.7101449 Computing score for instance 9 (class: P) categoricF=green weight=0.96000004 score=1.0 ordinalF=3.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.75 numericalF=87.0 (84.45<) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=1.5600001 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.5652174 Computing score for instance 10 (class: N) categoricF=white weight=0.96000004 score=0.0 ordinalF=2.0 (<2.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=-0.7 (<7.05) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.0 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.0 Computing score for instance 11 (class: N) categoricF=yellow weight=0.96000004 score=0.33333334 ordinalF=6.0 (4.5<) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=2.34 (<7.05) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.32000002 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.11594203 Computing score for instance 12 (class: N) categoricF=blue weight=0.96000004 score=0.0 ordinalF=4.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.75 numericalF=-23.45 (<7.05) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.6 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.2173913 Computing score for instance 13 (class: N) categoricF=red weight=0.96000004 score=0.0 ordinalF=4.0 (2.5..4.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.75 numericalF=2.2 (<7.05) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.6 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.2173913 Computing score for instance 14 (class: N) categoricF=yellow weight=0.96000004 score=0.33333334 ordinalF=2.0 (<2.5) weight=0.8000001 score=0.0 numericalF=6.54 (<7.05) weight=1.0 score=0.0 TotalScore=0.32000002 TotalWeight=2.7600002 Instance score= 0.11594203 Sorted curve points: No: FPR TPR 0: 0.0 0.0 1: 0.0 0.4 3: 0.0 0.6 4: 0.100000024 0.6 5: 0.100000024 0.8 6: 0.19999999 1.0 8: 0.3 1.0 9: 0.5 1.0 11: 0.7 1.0 13: 1.0 1.0 Overall AUC=0.95 Average time to learn a model: 0 ms. Average time to test a model: 0 ms.