CS-319 Section 1 (Fall 2005) Phase 1&2 Grading Policy ================================= General - Extra points in the form of plus points can be given to exceptionally good things at any time such as adding a revision history to each document brought +3 points to one group. What brings an extra point depends completely on the grader's evaluation. - The below list is not comprehensive -- There may be other issues graded. - Some typos in typing of the minus points below might have occurred. But the grading of all work was consistent. 10pts Vision Problems in explainations -1/-2 Problems in user-level goals -2/-3 -mentioning things that can be done manually -mentioning actors that are not users of the system or in ways not presenting their interaction with the system as a user Missing context diagram -3 10pts Supplementary Specification Not explaining performance goals in objective form (in numeric figures) -3 Not being able to explain the source of implementation contraints -3 Mixing the definitions of various quality factors to each other -3/-5 Explaining what the developer or the company instead of the system while presenting quality goals -3 30pts Use Cases UC Name is missing -2/-3 Wrong Level for the use case -1 Putting more than one primary actor -1/-2 Instead of explaining Stakeholders and Interests mentioning what they do-3 Using extra actors not involved in the use case -3 Presenting preconditions or postconditions not realized in the use case -3/-5 Not following the given UC template in the book -5/-10 Trying to explain more than one use case in a single use case description-5 (Usually can be recognized easily since there will be more than one primary actor) Not following the use case guidelines/conventions -2/-3/-5 Not mentioning what the System does in response to user actions -3 (at least every few steps, the System must respond to the user) Mentioning alternative scenario steps within main success scenario -3 10pts Use Case Diagram Wrong arrows -2 Not following the naming conventions in the book -2/-3 Missing use case names -2/-3 (Each use case appearing in other parts must be found in the UC Diagram) Inconsistencies in naming UCs in the UC Diagram and in UC descriptions -2 15pts Class Diagrams Not drawing the diagram using a UML Tool -5 Errors in associations -2/-5 Putting each actor into the diagram and putting associations that -5 explains their role instead of link with other domain classes 10pts System Sequence Diagrams Not showing the System as a single entity -3/-5 (showing system classes or components, such as a database) 10pts Operation Contracts Not explaining major associations, creations and deletions of instances -5 Not naming the created object instances -2 Contracts for methods not shown in SDD -3/-5 Other types of errors in method descriptions -2/-5 5pts Glossary Missing items -2/-3 //