Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Three-way Coupling of Liquid, Fabric, and Rigid Objects Based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)


Serkan Bayraktar
Ph.D Student
Computer Engineering
Bilkent University

Simulating natural phenomena such as fluid, deformable objects, cloth, or fire has been a challenge for the computer graphics community. For modeling these phenomena, there exist models in computational physics and engineering. Although these models are too complicated to implement effectively and/or can be slow, they constitute basis for computer graphics models. The field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a well established research area with many applications in engineering and computational physics. CFD strives to model and simulate fluid behavior in certain real life situations. CFD based applications have been developed to simulate fluid behavior for computer graphics purposes. In this work, we propose a model based on CFD to animate fluid, cloth and rigid objects. Our model employs a Lagrangian numerical approach where fluid is represented by particles whose physical properties extend into the space around up to a certain distance. The mathematical models that govern the fluid behavior is defined between particles in a pairwise fashion. Only particles that are closer than a predefined distance are considered in this computations. This model is named as the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and has been used to simulate viscous fluid behavior for some time. We propose that, the SPH can be employed to define the interactions between the fluid, rigid objects and cloth-like fabrics. By using the SPH to achieve this, we do not have to specify one-to-one relations between fluid, cloth and rigid bodies. We believe this system is able to model effects such as pouring water into a patch of cloth, cloth absorbency, rigid object floating or submerging, and rigid object cloth interaction.


DATE: November7, 2005, Monday@ 15:40