Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Active Node Determination for Correlated Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks


Efe Karasabun
MSc. Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

In some wireless sensor network applications, where the data gathered by different sensor nodes is correlated, not all sensor nodes need to be active (turned on) for the wireless sensor network to be fully operational. However, the sensor nodes that are selected as active should form a connected wireless network in order to transmit the collected correlated data to the data gathering node. The problem of determining a set of active sensor nodes in a correlated data environment for a fully operational wireless sensor network can be formulated as an instance of the connected correlation-dominating set problem. Existing constructive heuristics which solve this problem only aim to minimize the number of sensor nodes in the active sensor nodes set. In this work, our contribution is twofold; we propose an effective and runtime efficient iterative improvement heuristic to solve the active sensor node determination problem and a benefit function that aims to minimize the number of active sensor nodes while maximizing the residual energy levels of the selected active sensor nodes. Through extensive simulations, we show that the proposed approach achieves a better performance than the previous solutions to the active sensor node determination problem in wireless sensor networks in terms of both network lifetime and runtime efficiency.


DATE: 31 July, 2009, Friday @ 10:00