Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Simulation of a Flowing Snow Avalanche Using Molecular Dynamics


Denizhan Güçer
MSc. Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

This thesis presents an approach for modeling and simulation of a flowing snow avalanche, which is formed of dry and liquefied snow that slides down a slope by using molecular dynamics and discrete element method. A particle system is utilized as a base method for the simulation and marching cubes along with shading languages for rendering are employed. A uniform grid based neighbor search algorithm is used for collision detection for inter-particle and particle-terrain interactions. A mass-spring model of collision resolution is employed to mimic compressibility of snow and inter-particle attraction forces are put into use as well as the simulation of the terrain. In order to achieve greater performance, general purpose GPU language and multi-threaded programming is utilized for collision detection and resolution. The results are displayed with different combinations of rendering methods for the realistic representation of the flowing avalanche.


DATE: 24 December, 2010, Friday @ 11:30