Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Model Based Architecture Testing


Murat Tuncer
MSc Student Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Software testing is a broad subject with different categories: scale, characteristics or available information for testing. Test domains of complex software systems are large. Need for reflection of the production code changes into the test system makes the testing task more cumbersome. Recent studies on software testing area focus on test case generation to tackle this problem. Automatically generating the test system, executing and validating the tests against the System Under Test (SUT), and keeping the test system in sync with the production code is the ultimate goal. Model Based Testing approaches the problem from Model Driven Software Development (MDSD) side and creates test cases from “Test Model” and generates the actual test code from abstract test cases.

Testing the software architecture is another research area that deals with describing the architecture and testing it. In our research we are working on software architecture testing using model based testing techniques, hence the name Model Based Architecture Testing. We focus on defining software architecture in terms of models, generating test cases from model, and validate it against the test oracle generated using software specification.


DATE: 26 March, 2012, Monday @ 16:20