Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Dynamic Level-of-Detail Visualization of Large Graphs


Emir Gülümser
PhD Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Graphs are used in many real world applications, such as representing author/co-author relationships using collaboration graphs, Internet users over the world, social media graphs that represent friendship relations, maps that represent cities as nodes and roads as edges, air traffic relations, and relationships in software systems. As the data grow exponentially, the visualization of graphs plays an im- portant role to interact, explore, analyze, and understand the data. We propose a new volumetric approach to visualize very large graphs interactively with adjustable level-of-detail in three dimensions. The proposed level-of-detail approach will facilitate dynamic viewing and interaction as the graph changes over time. Additionally, it provides a dynamic, adaptable view of large graphs in order to navigate from the coarse to the detailed views of the graphs.


DATE: 31 October, 2016, Monday @ 15:40