Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Identification of protein-protein interaction hubs in multiple sclerosis


Gözde Yazıcı
Master Student
(Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Can Alkan )
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Abstract: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease, a type of disease in which immune cells attack body’s own cells. In MS, there exists a damaging process called demyelination. Myelin is a sheath that covers nerves and provides fast transmission of electrical impulses in nerve cells. Demyelination is the destruction of myelin or cells that produce it by immune cells. Within the scope of this project, we analyse two protein networks each of which includes the intercellular and intracellular interactions of the proteins of two cell types that are involved in demyelination. The first network we analyse includes the myelin-related protein network and the protein network of a macrophage cell, which is an immune cell. The second network includes the myelin-related protein network and the protein network of a T-cell, another type of immune cell. There are certain proteins that provide cell-cell interactions, which we call interacting proteins, and our aim is to find the most important interacting protein pairs for both the intercellular and intracellular networks using network analysis techniques and integer programming.


DATE: 04 April 2022, Monday @ 15:30 Zoom