Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering
CS 590/690 SEMINAR


Finding Expert Developers Using Artifact Traceability Graphs


İdil Hanhan

Master Student
(Supervisor: Asst.Prof.Eray Tüzün)
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Abstract: During a project's life cycle, developers especially newcomers find themselves working on a section of the codebase that is unfamiliar to them and they need to find the correct developer to contact with questions. In order to do this, the developer might need to reach out to multiple developers, look through older versions of the code file, etc. As more developers work remotely, the onboarding process for newcomers requires them to do this search for the right developer even more. With this study, we aim to construct an algorithm that recommends expert developers for a specific part of the codebase based on previous activities, such as commits, code reviews, and bug reports. This recommendation will guide the newcomers as they get used to the project and, as a result, decrease the overhead the search for the correct developer creates. We work with commercial companies to test our algorithm and interview the developers to evaluate the success of our algorithm.


DATE: May 8, Monday @ 16:30 Place: Zoom