Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Direct Volume Rendering of Tree-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement with General Element Types


Musa Ege Ünalan
Master Student
(Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Uğur Güdükbay )
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Abstract: Ray-tracing-based Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) techniques use data formats such as regular grids, unstructured meshes, and Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) data for storing the values and sampling during the ray-tracing process. Another data format that has recently been used is Tree-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement data using general element types, which merges the advantages of AMR and unstructured elements through element subdivisions. This representation allows for selective refinement of regions that do not necessarily lie as volume blocks on regular grids. In contrast to regular AMR data, it can be refined to represent complex domains better, which can be a valuable property for computational fluid dynamics and numerical simulations. Tree-based AMR data using general elements can be visualized by converting it to an unstructured mesh representation and rendering the resulting unstructured mesh. However, this approach introduces new unstructured elements, which increases the memory consumption for rendering. We aim to efficiently render the data directly.


DATE: October 16th, Monday @ 15:50 EA-502