C F P ===== CFP (Classification by Feature Partitioning) is an incremantal supervised inductive learning program. It is implemented in the C language, and tested on Unix systems. cfp is invoked as $ cfp [-v [1|2|3|4]] Here is the name of the domain, and -v option determines the level of verbosity. The cfp programs expects the following files in the currect directory: .cfp .train .test The output is writen to a file called result If verbosity option is set, then the intermediate activities are reported to a file called .log. As an example, for iris domain, call as $ cfp iris Make sure that files iris.cfp, iris.train and iris.test exist in the current directory. The cfp programs read information about the domain from the .cfp file. This file gives information about the number of features, their types, and the class labes. The line starting with the keyword "Features" gives information about features. For example, Features l l n l indicates that there are 4 features; 1st, 2nd and 4th features take on linear values, while the 3rd feature is nominal. There are only 2 values are accepted; namely l (linear) and n (nominal). Classes 1 2 4 indicates that there are 3 class labels; namely 1, 2 and 4. The line starting with the keyword "Delta" sets the value of the global weight adjustment rate. The line starting with the keyword "Limits" sets the generalization limist for all features, in the order they are given in the "Features" line. This line must come after "Features" line. Test run: cd cfp make cd cfp/results cfp iris -v 4 more result more irsis.log