K - N N F P =========== K-NNFP (K-Nearest Neighbor on Feature Projections) is a supervised inductive learning program. It is implemented in the C language, and tested on Unix systems. knnfp is invoked as $ knnfp domain_name [-k k] [-v v] Here, k : number of neighbors to be taken (default is 1), v : degree of the verbosity (default is 0). Reads training data from .train, and test data from .test. Information about the dataset is read from .info. Returns accuracy and run time in the file .res. If verbosity option is set, then the intermediate activities are reported to a file called .log. As an example, for iris domain, call as $ knnfp iris Make sure that files iris.info, iris.train and iris.test exist in the current directory. The knnfp reads information about the domain from the .info file. This file gives information about the number of features, their types, and the class labes. Optionally, feature weights may be provided. The line starting with the keyword "Features" gives information about features. For example, Features l l n l indicates that there are 4 features; 1st, 2nd and 4th features take on linear values, while the 3rd feature is nominal. There are only 2 values are accepted; namely l (linear) and n (nominal). Classes 1 2 4 indicates that there are 3 class labels; namely 1, 2 and 4. An optional line starting with the keyword "Weights" provides the weights of the corresponding features. This line, if exists, must come after the Features line. Two general puropose c-shell scripts are provided for cross-validation experiments. cv [] Experiments on with fold cross validation. Optional argument is used as an argument for cvk=1-10 Experiments on with fold cross validation for K =1..10.