
Important Notice

  • You will demonstrate your programs to Dr.Güdükbay in the scheduled time. Demo times will be announced for each assignment in this page.
  • All students must be physically available in the demonstrations. Demonstrations are a kind of exam. You will be asked questions to understand your contribution to the assignments in the demos.
  • You must also submit your source codes to the TA. You should email (with the Subject CS465-Assignment<number here>) to Aytek Aman (aytek.aman[at]cs).
  • You must collect all your work in a single compressed zip/rar file. The format of the file should be like It should contain one directory called Source and a README.txt file describing how to compile and run your assignment. You must include any static or dynamic libraries you use with the executable program.
  • Your submissions must include documentation(if any), comments and a README.txt file explaining how the code is compiled and executed