CS 587 -
Model-Driven Software Development

Bilkent University

Study Material
Exam Guidelines

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Dr. Bedir Tekinerdoğan


General Info DSL and Metamodeling Model Transformations


The report does not have page limit. It should adopt the Springer Conference Proceedings format (single column format).

The report should include the following sections:

- Abstract
- Domain analysis process and the resulted domain model including glossary of domain concepts
- Grammar of the Language
- Definition of metamodel based on MOF-from scratch
- Alternative metamodel using UML profiling
- Lessons learned and conclusions
- References


A PowerPoint presentation of the report needs to be prepared and submitted to the instructor before the day of presentation. The presentation should be done by one student. The presentation should take around 20 minutes, including questions.  The presentation topics largely follow the sections addressed in the report:

- Description of the domain
- Domain analysis process and the resulted domain model including glossary of domain concepts
- Grammar of the Language
- Definition of metamodel based on MOF-from scratch
- Alternative metamodel using UML profiling
- Lessons learned and conclusions

Each group is free to use any MDSD tool. Please also check the course slides.