More Scenes from the

Second Turkish
International Distance Education Symposium

Ankara - Turkey,
4-8th May, 1998

Opening Ceremony

Symposium Opening Speech
the Minister of Education

Minister of Education
Deputy Prime Minister - Ecevit

Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Buyukersen
(former rector of Anadolu University
& founder of the Open Education Faculty) receives plaque from Deputy Prime Minister.

Keynote Speakers

Keynote speech
Sir John Daniel

Sir John Daniel
Susan Clayton Susan Clayton

Michael Moore Michael Moore

Tony Bates Tony Bates

Chere Gibson  Chere Gibson

David Jonassen

David Jonassen

Brian Kenworthy Brian Kenworthy

Sally Reynolds Sally Renolds

The Panel

The Panel

The Organisers and crew from FRTEB

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Finally, time to relax!

Created by David Davenport