
PATIKAweb is a thin-client Web interface for read-only access to the PATIKA database. This tool features graph-theoretic querying of the database contents along with advanced visualization & automated layout facilities and microarray data analysis support.

The latest released version of PATIKAweb is version 2.1, featuring advanced graph-theoretic querying and microarray data analysis and clustering support.

Here is a Quick Start Guide and the User's Guide for PATIKAweb.

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Please cite the following article if you make use of our software:

U. Dogrusoz, E.Z. Erson, E. Giral, E. Demir, O. Babur, A. Cetintas, and R. Colak, "PATIKAweb: a Web interface for analyzing biological pathways through advanced querying and visualization", Bioinformatics, 22(3), 374-375, 2006.