Journal Articles
Yılmaz, S.F. , E.B. Kaynak, A. Koç, H. Dibeklioğlu, S. Kozat,
"Multi-Label Sentiment Analysis on 100 Languages
With Dynamic Weighting for Label Imbalance," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning
Systems, vol.34,
no.1, pp.331-343, 2023.
Yin, Z., V.J. Geraedts, Z. Wang, M.F.
Contarino, H. Dibeklioğlu, J. van Gemert,
"Assessment of Parkinson's Disease Severity from
Videos using Deep Architecture," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health
Informatics, vol. 26, no.3,
1164-1176, 2022.
Aslan, S.,
U. Güdükbay, H. Dibeklioğlu, "Multimodal Assessment of Apparent Personality
using Feature Attention and Error Consistency Constraint,"
Image and Vision Computing, vol.
110, 104163, 2021.
Giritlioğlu, D., B. Mandira, S.F. Yilmaz, C.U.
Ertenli, B.F. Akgür, M. Kınıklıoğlu, A.G. Kurt, E. Mutlu,
Ş.C. Gürel, H. Dibeklioğlu, "Multimodal Analysis of Personality Traits on
Videos of Self-presentation and Induced behavior,"
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, vol. 15, 337-358, 2021.
Pei, W., H. Dibeklioğlu, T. Baltrusaitis, and D.M.J.
Tax, "Attended End-to-end Architecture for Age Estimation from
Facial Expression Videos," IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing, vol.29, pp.1972-1984, 2020.
Dibeklioğlu, H.
and T. Gevers, "Automatic Estimation of Taste Liking through
Facial Expression Dynamics," IEEE Transactions on Affective
Computing, vol.11, no.1, pp.151-163, January-March 2020.
Tüfekçioğlu, Z., B. Bilgiç, A.E. Zeylan, A.A.
Salah, H. Dibeklioğlu, M. Emre, "Do Alzheimer’s Disease Patients Appear Younger
than Their Real Age?," Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, vol. 49, no. 5, 483-488, 2020.
G., H. Dibeklioğlu, S. Whiteson, and H. Hung,
"Facial Feedback for Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study and
Offine Analysis Using the TAMER Framework," Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 34, no. 22, 1-29, 2020.

Önal-Ertuğrul, I., L.A. Jeni, and H.
Dibeklioğlu, "Modeling and Synthesis of Kinship
Patterns of Facial Expressions," Image and Vision Computing,
vol.79, pp.133-143, November 2018.
Pei, W., H. Dibeklioğlu, D.M.J. Tax,
and L. van der Maaten, "Multivariate Time Series
Classification using the Hidden-Unit Logistic Model," IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.29,
no.4, pp.920-931, April 2018.
H., Z. Hammal, and J.F. Cohn, "Dynamic Multimodal
Measurement of Depression Severity Using Deep Autoencoding,"
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol.22, no.2,
pp.525-536, March 2018.
H., F. Alnajar, A.A. Salah, and T. Gevers, "Combining
Facial Dynamics with Appearance for Age Estimation," IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, vol.24, no.6, pp.1928-1943,
March 2015.
Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Recognition of Genuine Smiles," IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia, vol.17, no.3, pp.279-294, March 2015.
Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "A Statistical Method for 2-D Facial Landmarking,"
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.21, no.2,
pp.844-858, February 2012.
Dibeklioğlu, H., M.O. Hortas, I.
Kosunen, P. Zuzanek, A.A. Salah, and T. Gevers, "Design and
Implementation of an Affect-Responsive Interactive Photo
Frame," Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, vol.4, no.2,
pp.81-95, Springer, July 2011.
Diraman, and H. Dibeklioglu,
"Using Lipid Profiles for the Characterization of Turkish
Monocultivar Olive Oils Produced by Different Systems,"
International Journal of Food Properties, vol.17, no.5,
pp.1013-1033, 2014.
Diraman, H., E. Koru, and H.
Dibeklioglu, "Fatty Acid Profile of Spirulina platensis
Used as a Food Supplement," The Israeli Journal of
Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, vol.61, no.2, pp.134-142, 2009.
Diraman, H. and H. Dibeklioglu,
"Characterization of Turkish Virgin Olive Oils Produced from
Early Harvest Olives," Journal of the American Oil Chemists'
Society, vol.86, no.7, pp.663-674, 2009.
Diraman, H. and H. Dibeklioglu,
"Chemometric Characterization and Classification of Selected
Freshwater and Marine Fishes from Turkey Based on their Fatty
Acid Profiles," Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society,
vol.86, no.3, pp.235-246, 2009.
Gürpınar, F., H. Kaya, S. Afshar, H.
Dibeklioglu, and A.A. Salah, "Kernel ELM based age
estimation," Journal of Naval Science and Engineering vol.11,
no.3 (Eurasia Graphics Special Issue), pp.1-13, 2015.
Abstracts in Journals
Lucassen, M.P., T. Gevers, and H.
Dibeklioglu, "The Effect of Smile and Illumination Color
on Age Estimation from Faces," Perception, vol.41, Abstract
Supplement: European Conference on Visual Perception, p.87,
International Conferences & Workshops
K.A., E. Tüzün, H. Dibeklioğlu, H. Erdoğmuş,
"Detection and Elimination of Systematic Labeling Bias in Code
Reviewer Recommendation Systems," International Conference on
Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering(EASE), 2021.
M., W. Wang, B. Mandira, S. Karaoğlu, H. Bouma, H.
Dibeklioğlu, T. Gevers, "Identity Unbiased Deception
Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction," IEEE/CVF Winter
Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021.
Erekat, D., Z. Hammal, M. Siddiqui, and H.
Dibeklioğlu, "Enforcing Multilabel Consistency for
Automatic Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Shoulder Pain
Intensity," ACM ICMI Workshops (Workshop Face and Gesture
Analysis for Health Informatics), 2020.

Savov, N., M. Ngo, S. Karaoglu, H.
Dibeklioglu, T. Gevers, "Pose and Expression Robust Age
Estimation via 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image,"
Proc. ICCV Workshops (International Workshop on Human Behavior
Understanding), 2019.
Mandıra, B., D. Giritlioğlu, S.F. Yılmaz, C.U. Ertenli, B.F.
Akgür, M. Kınıklıoğlu, A.G. Kurt, M.N. Doğanlı, E. Mutlu, Ş.C.
Gürel, and H. Dibeklioglu,
"Spatiotemporal and Multimodal Analysis of Personality
Traits," Proc. eNTERFACE'19 Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces,
pp.32-44, 2019.
Dibeklioglu, H., "Visual
Transformation Aided Contrastive Learning for Video-based
Kinship Verification," Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV), pp.2459-2468, 2017.
, I. and H. Dibeklioglu, "What will
Your Future Child Look Like? Modeling and Synthesis of
Hereditary Patterns of Facial Dynamics," Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition (FG), pp.33-40, 2017.
Li, G., H. Dibeklioglu, S.
Whiteson, and H. Hung, "Towards Learning from Implicit Human
Reward ," Proc. International Conference on Autonomous Agents
and Multiagent Systems, 2016.
Gurpinar, F., H. Kaya, H. Dibeklioglu,
and A.A. Salah, "Kernel ELM and CNN based Facial Age
Estimation," Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), pp.80-86, 2016.
Zulfikar, I.E., H. Dibeklioglu,
and H.K. Ekenel, "A Preliminary Study on Visual Estimation of
Taste Appreciation," Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 2016.
Dibeklioglu, H., Z. Hammal, Y.
Yang, and J.F. Cohn, "Multimodal Detection of Depression in
Clinical Interviews," Proc. ACM International Conference on
Multimodal Interaction, 2015.
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, F.
Gürpınar, "Measurement of Facial Dynamics for Soft
Biometrics," In Face and Facial Expression Recognition from
Real World Videos (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol.8912, pp.69-84, 2015.
Dibeklioglu, H., T. Gevers, M.
Lucassen, A.A. Salah, "The Role of Color and Contrast in
Facial Age Estimation," In HBU'14, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.8749, pp.52-61, 2014.
Guo, Y., H. Dibeklioglu, L. van
der Maaten, "Graph-Based Kinship Recognition," Proc.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),
pp.4287-4292, Stockholm, Sweeden, 2014.
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Zhang, L., H. Dibeklioglu, L. van
der Maaten, "Speeding Up Tracking by Ignoring Features," Proc.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR), pp.1266-1273, Columbus, USA, 2014.
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Zhang, L., Dibeklioglu, H., and L.
van der Maaten, "On Fast Trackers that are Robust to Partial
Occlusions," CVPR Workshop on Long-term Detection and
Tracking, 2014. [Recipient of best presentation award]
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Like Father, Like Son: Facial Expression Dynamics for
Kinship Verification," Proc. International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV), pp.1497-1504, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
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Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Are You Really Smiling at Me? Spontaneous versus
Posed Enjoyment Smiles," Proc. European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV), pp.525-538, Firenze, Italy, 2012.
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Dibeklioglu, H., T. Gevers, A.A.
Salah, and R. Valenti, "A Smile Can Reveal Your Age: Enabling
Facial Dynamics in Age Estimation," Proc. ACM International
Conferance on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), pp.209-218, Nara,
Japan, 2012.
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Dibeklioglu, H., R. Valenti, A.A.
Salah, and T. Gevers, "Eyes Do Not Lie: Spontaneous versus
Posed Smiles," Proc. ACM International Conferance on
Multimedia (ACM Multimedia), pp.703-706, Firenze, Italy, 2010.
Dibeklioglu, H., I. Kosunen, M.O.
Hortas, A.A. Salah, and P. Zuzanek, "An Affect-Responsive
Interactive Photo Frame," Proc. eNTERFACE'10 Workshop on
Multimodal Interfaces, pp.58-67, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
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Dibeklioglu, H., B. Gokberk, and L.
Akarun, "Nasal Region-based 3D Face Recognition Under Pose and
Expression Variations," Proc. IAPR/IEEE International
Conferance on Biometrics (ICB), pp.309-318, Alghero, Italy,
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and L.
Akarun, "3D Facial Landmarking Under Expression, Pose, and
Occlusion Variations," Proc. IEEE International Conferance on
Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (IEEE BTAS),
Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
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Alyuz, N., B. Gokberk, H. Dibeklioglu,
and L. Akarun, "Component-based Registration with Curvature
Desciptors for Expression Insensitive 3D Face Recognition,"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and
Gesture Recognition (AFGR), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008.
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Ananthakrishnan, G., H. Dibeklioglu,
M. Lojka, A. Lopez, S. Perdikis, U. Saeed, A.A. Salah, D.
Tzovaras, and A. Vogiannou, "Activity-related Biometric
Authentication," Proc. eNTERFACE'08 Workshop on Multimodal
Interfaces, pp.56-72, Orsay, France, 2008.
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Alyuz, N., B. Gokberk, H. Dibeklioglu,
A. Savran, A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, and B. Sankur, "3D Face
Recognition Benchmarks on the Bosphorus Database with Focus on
Facial Expressions," In BIOID'08, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.5372, pp.57-66, 2008.
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Savran, A., N. Alyuz, H. Dibeklioglu,
O. Celiktutan, B. Gokberk, B. Sankur, and L. Akarun,
"Bosphorus Database for 3D Face Analysis," In BIOID'08,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.5372, pp.47-56, 2008.
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Savran, A., O. Celiktutan, A. Akyol, J.
Trojanova, H. Dibeklioglu, S. Esenlik, N. Bozkurt, C.
Demirkir, E. Akagunduz, K. Caliskan, N. Alyuz, B. Sankur, I.
Ulusoy, L. Akarun, and T.M. Sezgin, "3D Face Recognition
Performance under Adversarial Conditions," Proc. eNTERFACE'07
Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, pp. 87-101, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2007.
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Dibeklioglu, H., T.M. Sezgin, and
E. Ozcan, "A Recognizer for Free-Hand Graph Drawings,"
International Workshop on Pen-Based Learning Technologies
(PLT), Catania, Italy, 2007.
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Local Conferences
Gönç, K., B. Sağlam, S.S. Kozat, and H. Dibeklioglu, "Kinship Verification
Using Facial Dynamics," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications (SIU), Safranbolu, Turkey, 2022.
H., A.A. Salah, and T. Gevers, "Kinship Verification
Using Facial Dynamics," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications (SIU), Trabzon, Turkey, 2014.
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Age Estimation Using Facial Expression Dynamics,"
Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications
(SIU), Girne, KKTC, 2013.
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "User Adaptation Based on Facial Expression and Motion
for an Interactive Artifact," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications (SIU), Fethiye, Turkey, 2012.
Dibeklioglu, H., R. Valenti, A.A.
Salah, and T. Gevers, "Classification of Spontaneous and Posed
Smiles," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and Communications
Applications (SIU), pp. 1165-1168, Antalya, Turkey, 2011.
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Robust Landmark Localization and Tracking for
Improved Facial Expression Analysis," Proc. ASCI Conference
2010, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 2010.
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and T.
Gevers, "Automatic Landmarking and Alignment for Facial
Expression Analysis," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and
Communications Applications (SIU), pp.208-211, Diyarbakir,
Turkey, 2010
Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, and L.
Akarun, "Expression, Pose and Occlusion Resistant 3D Facial
Landmarking," Proc. IEEE Signal Processing and Communications
Applications (SIU), pp.476-479, Antalya, Turkey, 2009
(Recipient of Alper Atalay 2nd best student paper award).
Alyuz, N., H. Dibeklioglu, L.
Akarun, and B. Gokberk, "Part-based Registration for
Expression Resistant 3D Face Recognition," Proc. IEEE Signal
Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), Aydin,
Turkey, 2008.
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Dibeklioglu, H., E. Dikici, P.
Santemiz, K. Balci, and L. Akarun, "Sign Language Motion
Tracking and Generating 3D Motion Pieces Using 2D Features,"
Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU),
Eskisehir, Turkey, 2007.
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Abstracts in Conferences & Workshops:
Barucci, M., R. Camblor, Dibeklioglu,
H., G. Hotopan, M. Fernández Díaz, M. Fernández, R.
Fontana, M. Flórez Igual, J. Gutiérrez Meana, A. Hadarig, W.
Kouw, F. Las Heras, L. van der Maaten, C. Vázquez, and S.
Verhoeye, "Terahertz Imaging for Painting Analysis," TECHNART,